Doctor Who

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Re: Doctor Who

Post by lextenou »

I heart the Doctor.

I need to get a sonic screwdriver and a Dalek for my desk. I already have one of my monitors with a TARDIS. Makes for a great conversation piece, like the whiteboard that says FNORD in huge letters.

I just got the first half of the Fourth Doctors reign, but you know what I really want? The Highlanders. ;_;

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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

Bumping because we got shamed in the general TV thread. >_>

Thoughts on Saturday's ep? It was entertaining but nothing too riveting. Steve Thompson probably knew it was going to be filler, since it's sandwiched between the two-part opener and the Gaiman ep.

BTW, I'm calling it now -- The Doctor's Wife refers to the TARDIS. Did you see how affectionate he was with her in the pirate episode? <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

Sources are saying that the Gaiman episode was supposed to be the third and the pirate one the fourth. But they switched it last minute. Which is why it seems all wonky at the end that they repeated the same ending twice.

The guy they have doing the "voice of the House" is Michael Sheen. Who was almost the 10th Doctor. :D And played Frost in Frost/Nixon. (Who was mentioned by the Doctor in the 2nd Episode)

Oooo small world~

Anyway I'm very much looking forward to this episode and if it plays out well I'd love to see Gaiman return in the future.

Also, on the Today show yesterday they showed some behind the scenes stuff for Doctor Who since Meredith Vieira will be guesting in a future episode (The 13th). Probably the last considering all the spoilers they DON'T warn you about. I'm okay with them because I'm dense enough not to get it till the end anyway. But some people are touchy about such things and they should have said something before rolling the tape.

(The videos can be found here. It's Spoilerific and makes a tiny bit of sense to me but I'll try not to think about it too much till later this year. ) It's corny how they have Matt Smith and Alex Kingston stay in character and Meredith Vieira is just a sad sad creature. I really hate the Today show, it's crap.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

I want to marry Alex Kingston AND Matt Smith. I'm fine with polygamy. Actually, throw Arthur in there too. The only one I'm not crazy about is Karen.

And yeah, very spoilerific. I'm a spoiler junkie so I've read ALL the leaks, seen all the photos, etc. This season is going to be one giant clusterfuck, and I'm so excited.

Only 3 more episodes until River's back! YAY! But on the same note, only 3 more episodes until the midseason finale. BOO!
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pflaume »

I am purposely avoiding all spoilers this season, so thanks for the warning. <img src=' ... /heart.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':heart:' />

It was entertaining enough, but I wasn't overly impressed with the last episode, especially since the whole the evil is trying to heal you thing has been done by New Who before.

Also there's been entirely too many dramatic dead-but-not-really scenes since Amy came on board. I have to try hard not to roll my eyes at this point.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

They should have named Rory, Kenny. <img src=' ... R#>/8o.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8o' /> Those bastards!
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by emily »

[quote name='Valerie' timestamp='1304992638' post='98794']

BTW, I'm calling it now -- The Doctor's Wife refers to the TARDIS. Did you see how affectionate he was with her in the pirate episode? <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />


yay! you win.

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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

OMG Rory didn't die last night!

Well, it's a two-parter. There's still time.

I'm calling it again: Rory's ganger will die (maybe as he saves Jennifer) and Amy will think it's actually Rory and freak out. Again.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

What makes you think Rory has a ganger?

And what do you think of the Doctors ganger? Do you think it's tied in at all with the 1st episode?
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

I dunno, but something makes me think that Amy and Rory will have gangers.

I don't think the Doctor's ganger has anything to do with the opener - WAY TOO EASY of a copout, IMO.

2 weeks until River returns ♥
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

I would have commented to Turtle but I would have gotten yelled at for talking about Doctor Who in the spam thread again.

Almost People was amazing. Can't wait for next week. <img src=' ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' /> But then after it's over I'll be bumming around till September. <img src=' ... ryalot.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' /> Why must you British series be so short?
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

IKR, I'm going to go crazy.

Stoked for next week, read some spoilers because I swing that way. The prequel was really good! And the trailer looks epic. MY GIRL RIVER IS BACK!!! ♥♥♥
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

I go to one Doctor Who forum just to be in the know but it's funny how some people wont even watch the prequel because of spoilers. hello! It's NOT a spoiler if it's part of the episode and clearly meant to enhance and entice you for the episode to come. Moffat, the man who clearly hates spoilers wouldn't take the twist out of something by throwing it into a prequel. He's clearly been working on this storyline for years so I'm sure he wouldn't throw it all away in a prequel.

I can't wait for Rivers return! <img src=' ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

For River fans, Alex Kingston on The Graham Norton show. She mentions the kissing bit and American Who fans.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

I've watched it a billion times since Friday night. Looks like Matt got off pretty lucky to walk away unscathed!

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Re: Doctor Who

Post by emily »

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1306682406' post='100157']

I go to one Doctor Who forum just to be in the know but it's funny how some people wont even watch the prequel because of spoilers. hello! It's NOT a spoiler if it's part of the episode and clearly meant to enhance and entice you for the episode to come. Moffat, the man who clearly hates spoilers wouldn't take the twist out of something by throwing it into a prequel. He's clearly been working on this storyline for years so I'm sure he wouldn't throw it all away in a prequel.


I disagree; prequels are spoilers. I want to go into the episode knowing absolutely nothing about it whatsoever. I want to be surprised about the twist and everything else too.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

But the prequel doesn't contain any information/scenes from the episode. It's meant to bridge the gap between the last episode and the new episode. Hell, so far they don't even have any of the main cast members in them, either.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by emily »

[quote name='Valerie' timestamp='1306972153' post='100482']

But the prequel doesn't contain any information/scenes from the episode. It's meant to bridge the gap between the last episode and the new episode. Hell, so far they don't even have any of the main cast members in them, either.


Yes they do. Take the 6x05 trailer: I learn that that the screaming monsters are called the Flesh -- "Fully programmable matter. It acts like life, but it still needs to be controlled by us." They supposedly need people bonded to them to remain stable, but they obviously go out of control. This is more information than no information. I want to go into a new episode knowing absolutely nothing about it.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

No, I'm not talking about the trailers/next time -- I'm talking about the prequels. Maybe you haven't seen them yet? They've done one for The Impossible Astronaut (with Richard Nixon talking to the little girl -- not the scene from the episode, though), and one for Curse of the Black Spot (where Captain Avery and his men talk about the Siren -- also not from the episode).

They're meant to be watched before the episode in order to set up the episode, but do not feature any content from the episode.

There was no prequel for The Doctor's Wife, The Almost People or the Rebel Flesh. This prequel is the first since Black Spot.

The prequel for Saturday's episode features the blue dude from The Pandorica Opens, and he's selling yet another piece of alien contraband to someone. :P

Anyway, I get your point about not wanting to be spoiled, but IMO content released by the BBC is not considered a spoiler. Actually Moffat tweeted last week that anything released on the website is not a spoiler -- that we have no idea what we're watching yet. :P
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

CALLED IT! (though not on this thread)
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

So it's been released in the US now so I can talk about it! :D And if you haven't seen it yet, what are you doing here, I'm not using spoiler tags!!? D:

I figured they were related in SOME way I mean, hello? Bodies of water much? And then when she named her daughter it all clicked. Like OH well.. DUR~ When is everyone else going to join the party now and figure it out?

I wish River showing up was more of an impact. It was like, I'm going to show up just to throw you all off and that's it. There better be a LOT of River in the next part because It felt like a tease! :<

The episode left with such a cliff though because the whole episode was building up to the end and so it all sort of felt boring almost but the ending made up for it. I enjoyed it. Can't wait till the fall now. :D

Matt did a good job running through all sorts of emotions, can't wait to see how everything comes together in the next part of the season because there are still some majorly big holes of plot. One of which I think I figured out, but I'm not sure. :<
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Sabaku Ika »

I just caught up and I think that so far, this has been the best Doctor Who series/season I've seen. The scary parts are actually scary and the surprises are actually surprising, which is kind of surprising for this show.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by aine »

Just passing by. I know nothing of Doctor Who and have never watched a single episode, but this page in itself stroke my interest:

BBC Archive - The Genesis of Doctor Who Collection

I just find if fascinating to read stuff like that. Maybe I'll even get around to watching Doctor Who, one day when I'm done watching the X-Files, Rawhide, and the tens of backlogged anime series from the last 15 years. <img src=' ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />

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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gerald »

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1307896404' post='101385']

I figured they were related in SOME way I mean, hello? Bodies of water much? And then when she named her daughter it all clicked. Like OH well.. DUR~ When is everyone else going to join the party now and figure it out?

I wish River showing up was more of an impact. It was like, I'm going to show up just to throw you all off and that's it. There better be a LOT of River in the next part because It felt like a tease! :<


Not trying to be clever or anything but I worked out who River was several episodes ago, short of hanging a bloody sign round her neck saying "I'm Amy's daughter" it couldn't have been more obvious.

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1307896404' post='101385']

The episode left with such a cliff though because the whole episode was building up to the end and so it all sort of felt boring almost but the ending made up for it. I enjoyed it. Can't wait till the fall now. :D


Have to say I was totally underwhelmed with the final episode, in fact I thought it was the biggest let down since the final episode in the first series of Heroes. So the Doctor is going off to save the young River. Hang on, the adult River is standing next to Rory and Amy so we know whatever he does works so not much of a cliffhanger there then.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

[quote name='The Turtle Moves' timestamp='1310309242' post='103373']

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1307896404' post='101385']

The episode left with such a cliff though because the whole episode was building up to the end and so it all sort of felt boring almost but the ending made up for it. I enjoyed it. Can't wait till the fall now. :D


Have to say I was totally underwhelmed with the final episode, in fact I thought it was the biggest let down since the final episode in the first series of Heroes. So the Doctor is going off to save the young River. Hang on, the adult River is standing next to Rory and Amy so we know whatever he does works so not much of a cliffhanger there then.


She may be standing next to them, but that's adult River. Adult River has been in jail for god knows how long. Why is Adult River in jail? What did she do that put her there? She may be all nice now but it's the middle bits that are going to leave you wondering what's really going on.

And you have to remember this is a show made for kids generally. It's going to be a bit watered down then your average sci-fi show.

Speaking of shows, just watched Torchwood Miracle Day. (Saw it online because I lack the Starz) American budgets do wonders to British shows. Image
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gerald »

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1310309618' post='103375']

She may be standing next to them, but that's adult River. Adult River has been in jail for god knows how long. Why is Adult River in jail? What did she do that put her there? She may be all nice now but it's the middle bits that are going to leave you wondering what's really going on.


Yes but it's just that he is supposed to be saving the young River so if that is where the next episode takes off from where's the jeopardy? Whatever situation she's in we know she survives.

Also the jail thing is a bit of a con since she strolls in and out whenever she wants.

And your Yankee Dollar had better not have messed with Torchwood <img src=' ... dammit.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dammit:' />, we have to wait for Thursday to see it.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

[quote name='The Turtle Moves' timestamp='1310311758' post='103378']

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1310309618' post='103375']

She may be standing next to them, but that's adult River. Adult River has been in jail for god knows how long. Why is Adult River in jail? What did she do that put her there? She may be all nice now but it's the middle bits that are going to leave you wondering what's really going on.


Yes but it's just that he is supposed to be saving the young River so if that is where the next episode takes off from where's the jeopardy? Whatever situation she's in we know she survives.

Also the jail thing is a bit of a con since she strolls in and out whenever she wants.

And your Yankee Dollar had better not have messed with Torchwood <img src=' ... dammit.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dammit:' />, we have to wait for Thursday to see it.


As far as I know there will be some edits to the UK version, but only when sex is involved or maybe minor product placement. I've watched a few episodes of Torchwood to familiarize myself with it. I hated it, but I did enjoy this episode. Though I'm wondering how Bill Pullman's character works into all this. We shall see. (I could show you the website I found the episode if you want to sneak a peak?) Image

Oh and if you didn't watch the end of the last Doctor Who episode, it's all about Hitler. So that's sorta way out at left field. ;D What's Hitler have to do with River Song?
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Shoujo Q »

Doctor Who is coming back next week. Yay~ Image

I wish they would show Doctor Who Confidential on BBC America, because it's hilarious some times. Like this clip for example. "What's a Marrow?"
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Vikitty »

YAY Doctor Who <333 Can't wait to finally learn more about River Song. <3
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gerald »

[quote name='PKyu' timestamp='1313793516' post='106391']

Doctor Who is coming back next week. Yay~ Image


Let's hope is better than the turgid pile of shit known as Torchwood which is haemorrhaging viewers at an impressive rate, I managed 3 episodes before I lost the will to live.
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