"J-pop America Funtime Now"

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"J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Madara »

http://www.hulu.com/watch/289406/saturd ... -talk-show

Check it out for yourself. It makes fun of J-pop fans in America.

The co-worker who showed this to me was surprised at my "outraged" reaction. I pointed out to him that the J-pop fans I've met all have high IQ's and most have taught themselves Japanese and know a lot more about Japanese culture than many so-called experts. Of course, I may just be very lucky in whom I've been meeting.

What do you guys think?
Last edited by Madara on Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Ap2000 »

Hulu doesn't work in Europe, so I searched for it on youtube:


OH MAN, I nearly pissed myself. I love exploiting clichées that exploit clichées.

Putting up random, extremely ugly written Kanji/Hiragana characters in the background, ingenious.

As the top rated comment is saying ("To be honest, they arent makeing fun of japan. They are makeing fun of weeaboos, and I love them for that."), they are making fun of weeaboos, which is always a good thing.

Yes, such delusional people definitely exist. I see them dropping out every year from University, because Japan isn't all Manga, Anime and J-Pop. I mean, H!O is basically overflown with people like these who write like that.

If you may excuse me now, I need to post this on a few boards to piss off some weeaboos.

(No, Madara, I do not see you as a weeaboo)


At first I was about to write "we already have a 'funny internet videos' thread", but this video is so wonderful it deserves it's own thread.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by neshcom »

As someone who was in high school not too long ago and has been involved with multiple anime/Japanese culture clubs, this is shockingly accurate, if not only for a small sub-section. Obviously, the skit is outlandishly exaggerated, but as a representation of the younger, highly obsessed fans, it's not so off-base that it becomes offensive. You must be a lucky fella to not have exposure to the people this skit is meant to portray (however exaggerated).
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Melon »

I don't like it when other people use a language for humor. I don't get it. Is it supposed to be funny because it sounds different? What an immature base attempt at humor if so.


There are a lot of fans that do act like that, because I always qualify "I listen to <list of languages>" when people ask me about music so I'm not lumped into them. And sadly, even if those fans are the 1% of the fandom, they are the weirdest/loudest/most memorable. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... dammit.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dammit:' />

What people don't realize is that people like that are shunned within the fandom itself. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... ryalot.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' /> But since they're so LOUD and so ANNOYING people think you're like those manga cows are B&N that block the aisles and won't get the hell out of my way MOVE DAMMIT STOP READING THAT MANGA FOR GRADE SCHOOLERS AND ACTING LIKE IT'S BEOWULF. OH GOD IT'S MANGA NOT MAINGUH I'M GONNA KICK YOUR BULBOUS HEAD I never kick their heads because I want books :( <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /ph34r.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

I also take offense to them making fun of Candy Candy. One, because it's a classic shoujo show, and two because modern anime fans can barely name an anime from the nineties (let's see one outside of EVA), let alone one from the seventies. They don't even know who Astro Boy is, and if they do, it's not as great as modern classic animu like Death Note >______________________________________________________________________________________ < V

Yeah, I take it back, outside of the bullshit "let's laugh at a language because it's not english" parts, it was SPOT ON. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... omgwtf.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':omgwtf:' />

(added more smilies because it reads a lot bitchier than I intend)


(you know what, I'm gonna go ahead and say that it should read like I'm a bitch because the fandom gives me so much secondhand embarrassment it's unreal)

YES, Madara, that skit was offensive to those who are within the fandom because people like that exist and they give us a bad name.
Last edited by Melon on Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Petit Melon' timestamp='1318883509' post='110606']

it's not as great as modern classic animu like Death Note >______________________________________________________________________________________ < V


Now that you mention it, what is missing in the sketch is some emo.

And the first 2/3 of Death Note were pretty great.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Melon »

[quote name='Ap2000' timestamp='1318884326' post='110613']

Now that you mention it, what is missing in the sketch is some emo.

And the first 2/3 of Death Note were pretty great.


It was also missing the yaoi fangirl.

Monster did it better.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Petit Melon' timestamp='1318884626' post='110614']

[quote name='Ap2000' timestamp='1318884326' post='110613']

Now that you mention it, what is missing in the sketch is some emo.

And the first 2/3 of Death Note were pretty great.


It was also missing the yaoi fangirl.

Monster did it better.


Not sure about that.

Rebecca-san might fall into that category.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by al kusanagi »

Absolutely brilliant. I've met many a retard like that and they should all be sterilized.

If you're reacting like the professor, then you're doing it right.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Shoujo Q »

I love the teacher. I think he represents the non-crazy fans. More teacher!

And I've met those people Petit! The Borders was closing so all the manga was on sale. So many weirdos in one place. Scared me. I was trying to hard to browse, but then they got in my way and it was just awkward.

I was a little offended but the teacher sorta balanced the crazy.

Everyone in my family still thinks I'm all into anime when I haven't watched a series since probably my college days.I guess it might have to do with the fact that I still have two Sailormoon wallscrolls hanging up in my room. But, Sailormoon is my thing. Image I'm surprised my sister didn't mention this to me since she watches SNL. She'd probably say, "They had a skit on about that Chinese/Japanese stuff you watch." And then I'd roll my eyes, try to correct her, but then probably drop it because I'm really not that interested in another, "Let's make fun of what I listen to, AGAIN!"
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

The skit's setting was Michigan State University. Madara lives in New York, I think that could have some relation to why Madara hasn't encountered so many people like the characters in the skit. I'm just saying that Michigan is obviously not a "melting pot." It seemed like a jab at parts of the country that are less exposed to Asian culture, or even anything non-white.

I thought it was hilarious, the reason why it did work for me was because the teacher was pointing out how absurd the whole thing was. I think of him like "us" versus the rest of the H!P loving internet. He even says "they are actually my two worst students" &

"NONE OF YOU ARE JAPANESE, ok? Also, you're riding a fine line between homage and racism"

That part actually referenced something interesting, because the boy said, I couldn't be racist because my girlfriend is {Fred Armisen in a wig, sipping noodles, pretending to be} Japanese. By that, I mean, the whole "naive about how you might have racist views but you don't think it's possible because you aren't saying negative things about that race"

It was Saturday Night Live and wasn't meant to be a portrayal of normal people, I don't see how it's so offensive, considering how the teacher even gives a disclaimer that this isn't the majority. I enjoyed this like I enjoyed the Sakuracon GUHROOGUHMESH commercial, only this one wasn't being serious. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':tongue:' />

The next video in the line makes fun of white women on Lifetime, if that makes you feel any better. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' />

Following that, the Manuel Ortiz talk show.

Next, goofy Europeans who want sweets.

Wow, Anna Faris was in a very multicultural set of skits.
Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by neshcom »

Don't forget the skit about women pretending to be interested in men's interests to attract suitors in song form. "Tell him you're interested in Call of Duty," "Say you don't want kids" etc. SNL is edgy in the parallel universe where this is still the early nineties.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by eri »

As this was parodying white people who misappropriate Japanese "culture," I don't see how this could possibly be offensive or seen as endorsing stereotypes of Japan <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... nfused.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':confused:' />

But, it was too true to be funny. It just made me sad <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' />
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by aine »

I can confirm this is hilariously and saddeningly accurate. The "my Japanese girlfriend" line made me laugh out loud as I remembered a certain incident from the old BBS. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... lleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' /> Really, half a day at any anime convention would have given them more than enough material for this skit. Case in point:

[quote name='Pucchi mo' timestamp='1318887994' post='110624']

the Sakuracon GUHROOGUHMESH commercial


Find it and watch it at your own peril.

And if you have managed to survive a week on the MM-BBS then you know you're not one of those people, otherwise you would have been razed to the ground long ago (unless we became really lazy and lenient). So really, no reason to feel butthurt.

In a similar vein, I recommend reading the classic essay (dating back from around 1995 if I remember right, so you see it has not really improved since then): So You Want To Learn Japanese. Cracks me up to this day.

[quote name='Petit Melon' timestamp='1318883509' post='110606']

modern anime fans can barely name an anime from the nineties (let's see one outside of EVA)


Cowboy Bebop was the last anime that mattered at all. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... smooch.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='=3=' /> <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... ryalot.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

[quote name='eri' timestamp='1318926161' post='110679']

As this was parodying white people who misappropriate Japanese "culture," I don't see how this could possibly be offensive or seen as endorsing stereotypes of Japan <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... nfused.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':confused:' />

But, it was too true to be funny. It just made me sad <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' />


Maybe the problem is that we've never been white and we don't understand their pain.

川*^______^)v Nee, eri~chan?

I think this parody was like blackface to the otaku who got offended. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' />
Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by eri »

[quote name='Pucchi mo' timestamp='1318952255' post='110694']

川*^______^)v Nee, eri~chan?


<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... R#>/XD.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':XD:' /> <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... R#>/XD.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':XD:' />

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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='neshcom' timestamp='1318897135' post='110647']

SNL is edgy in the parallel universe where this is still the early nineties.



I don't know how SNL is still on the air, they're so unfunny, and this Jpop skit just furthers that belief. I seriously didn't laugh once besides a chuckle at one of the reactions from the teacher. The rest of it was just painful, like when you watch someone who's trying to be really funny but is just failing miserably. Its like you want to laugh out of pity, but I couldn't even do that.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by aine »

[quote name='eri' timestamp='1319010023' post='110771']

[quote name='Pucchi mo' timestamp='1318952255' post='110694']

川*^______^)v Nee, eri~chan?


<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... R#>/XD.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':XD:' /> <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... R#>/XD.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':XD:' />



That's it, your asses are getting BANNED. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... uckoff.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':fuckoff:' />

Jokes are jokes, but you two have taken it too far. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /noway.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':noway:' />

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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by aisasami »

[quote name='Pucchi mo' timestamp='1318887994' post='110624']

The skit's setting was Michigan State University. Madara lives in New York, I think that could have some relation to why Madara hasn't encountered so many people like the characters in the skit. I'm just saying that Michigan is obviously not a "melting pot." It seemed like a jab at parts of the country that are less exposed to Asian culture, or even anything non-white.[/quote]

Hey now, Michigan has a good amount of Asians. It's not like New York but there are pockets of them within the state. My campus had a bunch of Koreans and I knew pockets of Asian communities on the the Western part. Besides, how else would Aika get into Morning Musume? That's right, it wasn't solely Tsunku but the student body at MSU that decided her fate.* <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... imshot.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rimshot:' />

My MSU friends hated the skit because they said it's not like MSU at all, which is true. But, I am indifferent because I am excited that SNL choose MSU over any other school because I attended their Japanese studying abroad program. But, there was no weeboos at the program I attended sadly.

*Michigan is sister states with Shiga Prefecture, thats how I got to study there. Since, Aika is from Shiga... You get it...?
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by eri »

[quote name='aisasami' timestamp='1319702300' post='111316']

[quote name='Pucchi mo' timestamp='1318887994' post='110624'] It seemed like a jab at parts of the country that are less exposed to Asian culture, or even anything non-white.[/quote]

Hey now, Michigan has a good amount of Asians.


I went to UC Berkeley, which is over 50% Asian American and situated in a region that has a strong Asian immigrant community. Yes, there were weeaboos.

[quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' timestamp='1319010315' post='110772']

I don't know how SNL is still on the air, they're so unfunny, and this Jpop skit just furthers that belief. I seriously didn't laugh once besides a chuckle at one of the reactions from the teacher. The rest of it was just painful, like when you watch someone who's trying to be really funny but is just failing miserably. Its like you want to laugh out of pity, but I couldn't even do that.


...did it hit a personal nerve or something? <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... lleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Madara »

I sent the link to my daughter and her boyfriend and they watched it. The boyfriend's reaction to the teacher: "That's your father!"
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='eri' timestamp='1319716435' post='111317']

...did it hit a personal nerve or something? <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... lleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />


Maybe in the sense that I actually used to like some of SNL's stuff from back in the day, and its sad to see how absolutely terrible it is now. Otherwise, not even close.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by MiniLovely »

On the SNL skit AND "So you want to...", I have not laughed this hard in years. Thank you thank you thank you so much. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /weeeh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':weeeh:' />

I can think of more than a few of these sorts that I've had the displeasure of meeting.

Calling the Sailor Moon ripoff cosplay thing an 'ORIGINAL CHARACTERUDUDUDURU' was such a highlight. So true!! <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /lmfao.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lmfao:' /> Did anyone else catch that?

The teacher is my hero. I was literally going "No." "Wrong." "No." several times as my palm met my forehead throughout the video, and the teacher was like a buddy to let everyone know that it's going to be OK. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... pyeyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':puppyeyes:' />

I was in stitches. Thanks again for the links, all!
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Ap2000 »

Hey, does anybody have a working non-Hulu-ish (aka "usa only") link for this ?

YT has been quite the DDR about deleting this video.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Pflaume »

Is it weird that I even wonder why anyone that isn't a stereotypical weeaboo would be offended? It's not a very funny skit, but that's largely because of the people acting it out. Yeah, it makes fun of really extreme fans. I'm pretty sure anyone with any sense realizes that within any fandom there is a wide range, and if they don't, that seems more like their problem to me. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

This is about as good as it gets outside of Hulu right now, Ap.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Plum' timestamp='1320456753' post='111831']

Is it weird that I even wonder why anyone that isn't a stereotypical weeaboo would be offended? It's not a very funny skit, but that's largely because of the people acting it out. Yeah, it makes fun of really extreme fans. I'm pretty sure anyone with any sense realizes that within any fandom there is a wide range, and if they don't, that seems more like their problem to me. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

This is about as good as it gets outside of Hulu right now, Ap.


Thanks, Plum, but I just decided to download the whole episode (so I could show it to anybody anytime), but this is an interesting "analysis":

http://www.tofugu.com/2011/10/18/j-pop- ... e-now-snl/


And just to be "in with the crowd", I agree that SNL hasn't been "relevant" since "Clinton".
Last edited by Ap2000 on Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by sadude »

[quote name='Ap2000' timestamp='1320453293' post='111825']YT has been quite the Dance Dance Revolution about deleting this video.[/quote]

You need to work on your cultural references in an English-speaking board related to Japanese music. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... popper.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':popper:' />
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='sadude' timestamp='1320643700' post='111960']

[quote name='Ap2000' timestamp='1320453293' post='111825']YT has been quite the Dance Dance Revolution about deleting this video.[/quote]

You need to work on your cultural references in an English-speaking board related to Japanese music. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... popper.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':popper:' />


I'm not sure if you're joking about it, but I meant this DDR.
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by NekoKaiSai »

The girl who introduced me to H!P was/is(We're no longer friends so I'm not sure) a lot like the "guest", and since I was only like 12 when we met I actually believed that she could speak Japanese, at least until my Japanese surpassed her's like a month after I started studying it. I've found, however, that if you call their bluff by using your superior knowledge on them i.e. speaking to them in Japanese, they'll back off a little on pretending to be a Japanese expert, at least when you're around. Back to SNL, I wasn't offended, just disappointed. Aside from Amy's character, it was just two college students being stupid and then a teacher telling them that they were being stupid, he wasn't correcting them like he should have, which would have been more amusing and accurate, because honestly when someone says "konichiwa" and it's not afternoon, don't most of "us" correct them semi-angrily, or is it just me?
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by Shoujo Q »

It's back.

This time with Katy Perry! And epic Hello Kitty bow!
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Re: "J-pop America Funtime Now"

Post by al kusanagi »

"If there is such a thing as loving racism, I think you've found it."

<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />
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