Any decent anime?

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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by xxxmayuriin »

My all time favourite anime is Puella Magi Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ)
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Vikitty »

I need to finish watching that! I keep meaning to but then y attention span goes WOOOOOOOOOOSH.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by pandapanda »

I need to finish watching that! I keep meaning to but then y attention span goes WOOOOOOOOOOSH.
Ugh I hate that there are 3 different animes I just kinda stopped watching and now I don't want to resume because I can't remember anything.... :confused:
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by NekoKaiSai »

You could go to the episode list on Wikipedia and read the little summaries, that should help refresh your memory.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by pandapanda »

You could go to the episode list on Wikipedia and read the little summaries, that should help refresh your memory.
That makes sense.... :hahaha: why I don't think of these things....
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by eri »

It makes me feel all cozy inside.
It is on Crunchy Roll and I went and signed up for premium again, just to watch it without commercials.  
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by showraniy »

I'm re-experiencing Escaflowne all over again, and I'm kind of having a blast.
It was such a great show, I'm a little sad I didn't get into it more when I was a kid. I'm pretty much having a bigger moment with the movie though. I've seen it before, but I remember being kind of underwhelmed or it just didn't pop to me for whatever reason. I admit I haven't rewatched the whole movie in my re-experience yet, but HOLY FUCK IT'S SO PRETTY HOW DID I NOT LOVE THIS BEFORE?
I am an absolute SUCKER for beautiful, realistic animation and, of course, anything Yoko Kanno touches is gold, but I already had her Escaflowne soundtrack so no surprises there. I also didn't remember it having blood, which I'm also a sucker for. Call me shallow, but I like violence in my fantasy as it gives it a grittier edge IMO. So basically, pretty violent fantasy with Yoko Kanno? Yes please, I don't know how I didn't jump all over this years ago.
AND IT'S ON BLU-RAY AND I FINALLY HAVE A BLU-RAY PLAYER! I think I need to build up a collection of all my old favorites. I'm still waiting on a proper blu-ray of Ghost in the Shell without all the CG too.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by star »

I'm finally getting around to watching Shugo Chara again. I stopped for the longest time but I have no clue why.

Also, I'm debating watching Vampire Knight. I made it a couple episodes in and then said "Fuck no. The manga is better." I think that after I finish the manga (I believe it has finished now since the last volume that I read awhile back said that there were only a few volumes left before the series would end) I may go force myself to watch it for comparison's sake. Although the anime ended a long time ago way before the really good plots in the manga.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="showraniy" data-cid="176276" data-time="1401240046">It was such a great show, I'm a little sad I didn't get into it more when I was a kid. I'm pretty much having a bigger moment with the movie though. I've seen it before, but I remember being kind of underwhelmed or it just didn't pop to me for whatever reason. I admit I haven't rewatched the whole movie in my re-experience yet, but HOLY FUCK IT'S SO PRETTY HOW DID I NOT LOVE THIS BEFORE?</blockquote>
Probably because you realized that the movie has nothing to do with the series and is an insanely rushed alternate-reality version.

Vision of Escaflowne was the anime that got me into anime as more than just something kids watch, which was in 2002 on MTV. It's great !

The German version (maybe other ones too, I don't know) got an extremely unrelated opening song:
Dax Riders' original music video seems like a fan movie for the Big Lebowski:

You know what also had a pretty cool OP ?

Of course, the comments are full of German "those were the days of our life" comments. haha
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by showraniy »

No, I know it's an alternate retelling of the show, but I'm fine with that. I watched the anime in bits and pieces of (really terrible :wub:) English dub as a kid, but I don't recall watching them in any discernible order and I probably only caught three or four episodes total back then. As a teenager, I revisted the show and watched it from beginning to end. I'm pretty sure I watched the movie after that, but I can't remember either all that well, though I remember Hitomi being the most emo character I've ever seen in anime ever. That didn't bother me as much as it seems to bother other people, because I found her TV show character annoying too, haha.
I just watched the first episode of the show again last night and was annoyed by her AGAIN. I can't stand most 90's anime heroines because they do too much falling, crying, and having emotional moments. If I remember right, she's not nearly as bad as many anime heroines from the 90's, but it looks like she suffers from being cut from the same basic mold.
AGAIN, she may turn out much better than I obviously can't remember to save my life, but at the moment, I'm focusing on the movie because it's so gorgeous, I'm shallow like that for good animation, and it's way less of my time to relive than a 26 episode series. Plus, I've mentioned it before on this board, but I cannot, cannot, caaaannot stand filler episodes for the life of me, so I prefer anime movies to anime TV series 9 times out of 10. I want to give more TV shows a chance, but I just do not have an ounce of patience for a second wasted of my time when it comes to TV. Get on with the main story or get off my screen, since I have a thousand better things I could be doing. A bigger time commitment to watch means it better make every second count.
It looks like Funimation bought the license (?) for the TV show and the movie though, and plan to have a Blu-ray remaster of both rereleased some time this year. I'm not too sure about that considering we're almost halfway through this year, but it could still happen. They apparently scooped up the rights some time in 2013 after Bandai Entertainment dropped all of its anime and manga titles. I'll be buying the Akira bluray as soon as I get paid, so I'll go from there on my nostalgia collection.
My boyfriend hasn't seen Akira, by the way, so this is a wrong that I will right very soon. (He has Perfect Blue on DVD and since I haven't seen that, I guess we'll have a really fucked up marathon some time soon?)
Last edited by showraniy on Tue May 27, 2014 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="showraniy" data-cid="176284" data-time="1401247067">
I just watched the first episode of the show again last night and was annoyed by her AGAIN. I can't stand most 90's anime heroines because they do too much falling, crying, and having emotional moments. If I remember right, she's not nearly as bad as many anime heroines from the 90's, but it looks like she suffers from being cut from the same basic mold.

Surprisingly, I never cared/realized that the main character is a girl and she is ensnared by two ultra-beautiful (I guess) guys. It might actually be a very girl-oriented show, I thinking about it.

Most heroines in anime are shit. :lesson:

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="showraniy" data-cid="176284" data-time="1401247067">
My boyfriend hasn't seen Akira, by the way, so this is a wrong that I will right very soon. (He has Perfect Blue on DVD and since I haven't seen that, I guess we'll have a really fucked up marathon some time soon?)

I think Akira is overrated as a movie and only important because of it's cultural impact in the west.

Perfect blue is better !

But the best Kon Satoshi (director of these movies) movie is Millenium Actress. What a wonderful live-spanning tragedy.

It wasn't until over ten years later that I've found out it's partially based on Hara Setsuko's life.
I bought the really cool Tokyo Godfathers special edition DVD box some time ago at a flea market, since it was in mint condition and it looked magnificent. However, I have yet to see the movie.
His worst movie is Paprika, which is a mess.

I've wanted to rewatch Jin-Roh for quite some time now, since I didn't really like it when I've first watched it ~10 years ago, but always had this feeling that I should give it another chance once I've grown up.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Tue May 27, 2014 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by showraniy »

Escaflowne was supposed to be both shoujo and shounen as far as targeted audience. It started out in pre-production as entirely shounen from what all-knowing Wiki said, but they eventually added some girly men and gave Hitomi smaller boobs, short hair, and intelligence to attract some female fans. I like the idea of shoujo and shounen genres intermixed, but Escaflowne may just be too 90's for me to really appreciate it anymore.
Lol, I just bought the 25th anniversary blu-ray of Akira. Couldn't contain myself, so payday can pay for other fun stuff, I guess.
You know, I keep hearing Millenium Actress is supposed to be amazing, but I have never had a single desire to see it. I even downloaded an HD bluray rip of it two or three years back and just never watched it even then. I deleted it along with a lot of other movies in a I'll-never-watch-these clean up not too long after, but I guess I'll get around to it one day. Paprika is supposed to be along the same vein or something, but I haven't bothered with that one either.
Maybe after Perfect Blue, I'll want to see more of his work and finally watch it.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Madara »

Escaflowne was supposed to be both shoujo and shounen as far as targeted audience. It started out in pre-production as entirely shounen from what all-knowing Wiki said, but they eventually added some girly men and gave Hitomi smaller boobs, short hair, and intelligence to attract some female fans. I like the idea of shoujo and shounen genres intermixed, but Escaflowne may just be too 90's for me to really appreciate it anymore.
Lol, I just bought the 25th anniversary blu-ray of Akira. Couldn't contain myself, so payday can pay for other fun stuff, I guess.
You know, I keep hearing Millenium Actress is supposed to be amazing, but I have never had a single desire to see it. I even downloaded an HD bluray rip of it two or three years back and just never watched it even then. I deleted it along with a lot of other movies in a I'll-never-watch-these clean up not too long after, but I guess I'll get around to it one day. Paprika is supposed to be along the same vein or something, but I haven't bothered with that one either.
Maybe after Perfect Blue, I'll want to see more of his work and finally watch it.
I interviewed Satoshi Kon for Animerica over 10 years ago and posted the interview on my blog when he died four years ago. When I interviewed him he had just done TOKYO GODFATHERS and it was at an anime convention that showed both that film and MILLENNIUM ACTRESS. I find all his films interesting, but I tend to like TOKYO GODFATHERS the best, followed by MILLENNIUM ACTRESS. PAPRIKA is a visual delight, but its storyline doesn't make much sense and isn't terribly interesting. PERFECT BLUE is a fascinating movie on a number of levels, although it's not quite the masterpiece the other two films are, but it's definitely a skillful genre exercise and it's of especial value to J-pop fans because of its subject and its portrayal of fan culture.
Since you mentioned AKIRA, I'd like to add that it's a film that got better for me every time I watched it. I don't think I really understood it until the 5th or 6th time I watched it. And I recently read an essay about it that offered up a completely different meaning than the one I'd attached to the film. Now if I can only remember what I read and where I read it and then read it again and then watch the movie again. Ap cites AKIRA's cultural impact in the west and he's right. That shouldn't be underestimated. Its historical significance is that it was the first non-kiddie anime feature film that most fans in the west at that time (25 years ago) were exposed to. I remember taking friends from the Bronx down to see it at a late-night screening in Manhattan and they had no idea what to expect. 
Last edited by Madara on Wed May 28, 2014 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by showraniy »

I interviewed Satoshi Kon for Animerica over 10 years ago and posted the interview on my blog when he died four years ago. When I interviewed him he had just done TOKYO GODFATHERS and it was at an anime convention that showed both that film and MILLENNIUM ACTRESS. I find all his films interesting, but I tend to like TOKYO GODFATHERS the best, followed by MILLENNIUM ACTRESS. PAPRIKA is a visual delight, but its storyline doesn't make much sense and isn't terribly interesting. PERFECT BLUE is a fascinating movie on a number of levels, although it's not quite the masterpiece the other two films are, but it's definitely a skillful genre exercise and it's of especial value to J-pop fans because of its subject and its portrayal of fan culture.
Since you mentioned AKIRA, I'd like to add that it's a film that got better for me every time I watched it. I don't think I really understood it until the 5th or 6th time I watched it. And I recently read an essay about it that offered up a completely different meaning than the one I'd attached to the film. Now if I can only remember what I read and where I read it and then read it again and then watch the movie again. Ap cites AKIRA's cultural impact in the west and he's right. That shouldn't be underestimated. Its historical significance is that it was the first non-kiddie anime feature film that most fans in the west at that time (25 years ago) were exposed to. I remember taking friends from the Bronx down to see it at a late-night screening in Manhattan and they had no idea what to expect. 

Perfect Blue and Millenium Actress are on my list of things to see eventually. I brought it up to my guy that I'd like to see Perfect Blue at some point since he owns it already, and he seems down for it. I'll just have to set up a time to watch it, or have him bring it over. The backstory behind Millenium Actress sounds very interesting, I just haven't gotten up the gumption to get to it yet. It'll come.
My copy of Akira on blu-ray and DVD arrived last week, and my boyfriend and I just watched it Thursday of this week when he was over. We don't generally have the same taste in media and it's been a bit of an issue getting both of us agree to watch anything, so it was kind of a big deal that he agreed to see it when I only told him the historical significance it had and nothing about the story. He ended up dozing off a little at the very, very end of the movie which always happens with us because we watch things too late, but his only feedback was that he liked it, and wanted to take the chance to properly watch the ending another day.
It was my first time watching Akira in full since I was maybe 15 or so, and I definitely took a lot more out of it this go-around than back then. I agree that it's a movie I've always noticed something different about whenever I rewatch it. I think I first saw the movie when I was 11 or 12, way too young to understand a single thing going on, but I obsessively watched it over and over for days afterward just because it had me so transfixed. It's a much better experience understanding it though, haha.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

I've actually wanted to posted this a few days ago, but forgot. Thanks for the bump showrainy !
Mushishi's S02E06's Floral delusion was one of the best anime episodes I've ever seen in terms of bringing all kinds of Japanese folklore together into one pot:
If you have even just the slightest interest in Japanese folklore and mythological stories, you MUST watch this episode, even if you have not watched any other Mushishi episode.
With this post I will stop my fangirling over Mushishi, unless somebody else mentions it.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by al kusanagi »

I'm getting back into anime so I've gone back to watch some of the "must see" series I've missed in the last 10 or so years, since all I've watched in the last decade or so have been the most recent Macross series and the various Persona series.
So far I've watched season one of Attack on Titan, which I loved, I'm about 15 episodes into Gurren Lagan, which is manly and hot-blooded as FUCK, and I've watched the first episode of Kill la Kill, which seems appropriately nuts.
Also, my favorite anime of all time, Nadia: Secret of Blue Water,is out on blu-ray so I'm rewatching it again.
Also watched Evangelion 1.11, 2.22 and 3.33, but now I'll be waiting at least 2 years before 4.44 finally comes out.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
I'm getting back into anime so I've gone back to watch some of the "must see" series I've missed in the last 10 or so years, since all I've watched in the last decade or so have been the most recent Macross series and the various Persona series.
I might suggest, since I'm such an attention-whore:
Gurren Lagann is really damn great and, I'd say, the last really spectacular anime. With don't look at this if you haven't finished it TWO openings.
Haruhi suzumiya stuff
Wolf & Spice
Moyashimon 1st season
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Kino's Journey.

This is just a "what comes to mind".
The NGE movies will probably all disappoint you to a degree.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by al kusanagi »

Finished Gurren Lagann. That was the move amazingly awesome insanely epic series ever. So many manly tears!
Now what about the two movies? Are they they completely redone or reanimated material, or just the series edited together into two parts?
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
Finished Gurren Lagann. That was the move amazingly awesome insanely epic series ever. So many manly tears!
Now what about the two movies? Are they they completely redone or reanimated material, or just the series edited together into two parts?

I've never seen them.
But AniDB cites them as "Based on the re-edited first/second part of the story from the television series"
There's also some other stuff:
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by NekoKaiSai »

The second season of Psycho Pass starts airing tomorrow.  It's a pretty dark, sci-fi type anime, and the first season was fanastic my expectation are fairly high for the second season.
Recently Black Butler: Book of Circus, which takes place during the first season and is the original manga story, came out.  Funimation has the official sub on their Youtube channel (same with Free! Eternal Summer).  I recommend watching the first season and then Book of Circus, and not watching the second season because it's crap.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by michisings »

My interests usually lean towards shoujo more. Unfortunately, aside from Sailor Moon the shoujo this season haven't caught my attention. If someone can recommend me one, I will  appreciate it. :)
But I am following Kaito Kid 1412 animation. I am a fan of Case Closed/Detective Conan and Kaito Kid is my favorite character. I am glad he finally has his own show. xD I have enjoyed it so far, but I think the work they did with the Special before was more my taste. I will still follow it though. I am hoping this means that Kaito Kid will be updated more. The manga hasn't been updated in an incredibly long time.  
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Elpis »

I've been watching Steins; gate again.  I've heard Kill la Kill and Certain Magical Index are good. Don't know what they are about.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by michisings »

I've heard Kill la Kill is good, but I guess I hesitate a bit because I've heard that it might not be my cup of tea. xD I heard good things about Steins;gate though ... may I ask what it is about?
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

Kill la Kill is one of those typical anime that somehow became the favourite mainstream anime of the season. There's always one of that each year.
At least that was my impression. I've learned a few years ago already that I can't stand generic shounen stuff anymore.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Shoujo Q »

My recent anime round up of anime you should watch if you don't want to see flying boobies and panties every other minute.
Finished (for the season or not, you can never tell with anime.) 
Two anime you SHOULD watch.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Comedy, Shoujo, Manga Related. Story about a girl who confesses to a boy only to find out he's a manga author, hilarity ensues in typical shoujo fashion, but not angst, it's mainly a comedy and a good one.
Barakamon - I loved this anime to death and I'm so sad it's over. I hope it comes back because I LOVED every single one of the characters. Part Slice of Life, Comedy, Coming of Age story set in a rural backwater island in Japan. A story about a young calligrapher that's lost his mojo and needs to find himself. The locals insert themselves into his life and it's just, a story that you need to watch because it's actually a very good story. 
Avoid, Or watch it and tell me what the hell is going on.
Glasslip - Angst Drama and WTF?! Worst anime I have ever sat through, and to be honest I would have given it up except for the fact I wanted to know what the hell was going on. Of course I still don't know. Just wanted to make me punch a wall to be honest. It was pretty to look at though? I hated the main characters and the side characters were probably my favorite. I thought it was going to be about a girl learning the art of glass making and maybe about a story about her last summer as a high school student. Instead I'm given a story about a girl who meets a boy and they have like ESP or visions of the future or something and all these side stories that I think came together in the end? I have no idea. Waste of my summer to be honest.
Series I'm watching now.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso - Only two episodes in and I love it. Okay so they drew me in with the amazing animation, but the story is starting to become interesting. A child piano prodigy who, after his mothers death just cant seem to play a piano anymore, meets a a free spirited girl who happens to be a violinist. Add in two side characters, the playboy best friend who the violinist likes, but he has only a passing liking for, and the girl next door who may or may not have a crush on the lead character. I expect some angst and more pretty art. 
Also, Tenchi Muyo has come back with Ai Tenchi Muyo, it's a 5 minute series that airs every weekday. It's interesting? A lot of fan service  that I don't care for but every week there's like one episode that brings in the old cast and that's what saves me from ignoring it completely. I'm in it for the nostalgia. Aside from Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo holds a very deep place in my heart as one of my found anime series. 
And lastly, though I haven't watched it yet, Sanzoku no Musume Ronja is on my watch list. Why? Because it's, I quote, "directed by Goro Miyazaki and animated by Polygon Pictures and Studio Ghibli." That's why. Unfortunately, with Polygon pictures involved, it's completely 3D and not standard Ghibli 2D. But if it holds any of the charm of a standard Ghibli film, it could be good? I'll give my impressions later after watching it. I'm not a fan of 3D anime but if the story is good enough, the animation usually becomes secondary. 
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote="Shoujo Q"]
It was pretty to look at though?
I think came together in the end?
It's interesting?
it could be good?

So many questions. lol
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by Shoujo Q »

Usually after I watch an anime, I can usually go to a blog or two and see what I missed because I'm not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to understanding the ins and outs of a story. But this one, it was frustrating from start to finish and I got no answers for my questions. I've never wanted to punch a director more than I did with Glasslip.
Oh and I completely forgot. But this only applies to any person who happened to be one of the few that bought Mixxzine or Tokyopop magazines back in the day. They finally made an anime series for Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, aka Parasyte. I didn't even know it never got an anime adaption till a few days ago. Aya Hirano is in it as Migi (the hand). Add that to the list of things I need to watch. haha.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by al kusanagi »

Kill la Kill actually is really good. You can take it at face value and it's a bunch of anime bullshit that will keep most fans entertained, but it's also a pretty decent deconstruction and subversion of it too. After all, it's from a studio that's all ex-Gainax employees that worked on Gurren Lagan and FLCL.
Also, I'm way into Sword Art Online now. I like how it's able to not only jump around different genres of gaming, but it individual episodes also have their own genres like mystery, action, drama, etc.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by showraniy »

I really loved FLCL, but I never got into Gurren Lagan, and I feel a little like the only person who didn't dig that show. No intention to get anyone on a tangent here, but seriously. What was so good about it?
[quote="Shoujo Q"]
anime series for Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, aka Parasyte
Cool, that's interesting news. I really enjoyed the few chapters of Parasyte I read, so I might check this out. I loved all the weird Parasyte anatomy going on, so that'll be fun to see animated too.
I'll probably only catch a few episodes to be honest, but STILL EXCITED!
Last edited by showraniy on Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Any decent anime?

Post by michisings »

[quote="Shoujo Q"]
Two anime you SHOULD watch.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Comedy, Shoujo, Manga Related. Story about a girl who confesses to a boy only to find out he's a manga author, hilarity ensues in typical shoujo fashion, but not angst, it's mainly a comedy and a good one.
Series I'm watching now.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso - Only two episodes in and I love it. Okay so they drew me in with the amazing animation, but the story is starting to become interesting. A child piano prodigy who, after his mothers death just cant seem to play a piano anymore, meets a a free spirited girl who happens to be a violinist. Add in two side characters, the playboy best friend who the violinist likes, but he has only a passing liking for, and the girl next door who may or may not have a crush on the lead character. I expect some angst and more pretty art. 
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun was fun! I forgot all about it. I followed it when it was still airing. I read the manga and watched the anime and in my opinion it was really done well. I could still appreciate the anime without worrying about being spoiled by the manga. 
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso - I've seen photos of it but I was a little worried it would be an anime with fan service, so I have been waiting for reviews. Thank you for sharing! I'll give it a try~ the story does sound very interesting. I don't mind fanservice but sometimes it overwhelms me, so I usually wait and see before checking the anime out. 
Last edited by michisings on Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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