The Star Wars thread

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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by WonderBuono »

I really like the prequels too, and I have a lot of respect for George Lucas and always will. I mean without him we wouldn't HAVE Star Wars. He's just... not a very good screenwriter. xD But I love the overall story he came up with for the prequels (even if it could've been executed better), so I'd really like to know what his idea for the sequels was... though we may never find out.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

Just to see how much other people have influenced the story of the original movie, I'd recommend checking out the comic "The Star Wars" by Dark Horse comics, one of the last things they did before Marvel got the license back. It's and adaption of his original version of the script and, woooooo boy, it's something...
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by JoshuaJSlone »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
Hell no! Lucas has spent his whole career actively trying to ruin Star Wars. The originals turned out well despite of him, since there were far more talented people reining him in. That's why the prequels were so bad, since he was surrounded by yes men. He gets credit for creating the seed of the world, but most of the good ideas came from others.

I'm not saying Lucas was perfect, or should've taken on so many roles. Empire Strikes Back is a great example of how him with fewer BIG credits like Director or Screenplay can turn out well. But he was the guy guiding the whole thing behind the scenes, the one who determined which way the universe went, making the big decisions as a storyteller. Versus some board decision to just hew really really close to the movies people are nostalgic for.

On the topic of comics, I was recently rechecking out the Star Wars Infinities comics, which I'd recommend as a twist on nostalgia in a good way. There's one each for the original trilogy movies, running 4 issues or about 100 pages collected. They're basically what-if stories that tweak some single event and then follow through with all the consequences.

*A New Hope: Luke takes his shot at the exhaust port on the Death Star, and misses. Oops.

*Empire Strikes Back: Luke doesn't survive that freezing Dagobah night. This one is a particular favorite, because it's a kick to see Han Solo interacting with Yoda.

*Return of the Jedi: Threepio gets knocked over by Jabba, can't act as interpreter, and the negotiations between Jabba and Leia-in-disguise go awry.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by Ap2000 »

Episode 2 is one of the worst movies I ever sat through and most probably the worst I ever saw in a cinema. If you like it, you are a bad person.

Episode 1 is an ok SciFi movie, but a bad Star Wars movie.

Episode 3 is the only genuinly good movie from the prequels, but still quite clearly behind the original trilogy. I did think about rewatching it, to see if I'd rank it above or below TFA.

I personally don't care for comics, or Star Wars as a "I need to consume more of it" universe, but I really liked some of the games. Especially Kotor 2 (1 wasn't bad either, but I never finished it), Jedi Knight 2 and TOR(tanic) when it went free to play. Probably the only MMO that ever made me interested in the quest stories.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by WonderBuono »

I guess the most I ever got into spin-off media was back in elementary school when I read all the Junior Jedi Knights books. I could've sworn I owned at least one of them but I can't find them anymore so I must've put them in a yard sale years ago. I hated The Clone Wars TV show when it first came out and then randomly changed my mind years later; started watching it again and got through about 6 episodes before the Disney acquisition happened and Cartoon Network pulled the series. -_-
But now I've been watching Star Wars Rebels since it premiered, and it's a pretty decent show. (I think Kanan is a really good character.) I have a few video games too but none of them really have any story (Battlefront, pod-racing, stuff like that). Since TFA I've decided to try reading more books, especially since my dad has several older ones that have been sitting in my room collecting dust for a couple years. Just started the Return of the Jedi novelization, and plan to get to EU stuff after that; probably will start with Splinter of the Mind's Eye since it was the first EU book ever. Anybody have any other suggestions?
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

All the Timothy Zahn ones are good, and the X-Wing: Rogue/Wraith Squadron novels are the best.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by WonderBuono »

^ Thanks! I have a couple Timothy Zahn books in my collection so that's good to know.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by JoshuaJSlone »

I get waaay too into tie-in media, though usually more prose than comics. The S section on my Kindle is ginormous thanks to the Star Wars and Star Trek books.
And since KOTOR was mentioned, yeah, good stuff. I still haven't played the second and the first is getting pretty ancient, but it was one of the first western RPGs I really appreciated. It takes place thousands of years before any of the movies, so it's pretty impressive recognizably Star Wars it seems, even without sharing many specifics in terms of design. No four thousand year old X-Wings here. The good news about it being pretty ancient is it's been touchified and made mobile, which may be an easy way for some to check it out.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by Ap2000 »

Came across a nice comparison between the old trilogy, the second trilogy and TFA:
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

Came across a nice comparison between the old trilogy, the second trilogy and TFA:

Yeah, it's a good look at the series and I agree with it all.
But then he loses 90% of my respect at the end by calling the Dark Knight Rises a good movie...
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by WonderBuono »

If anyone besides me watches Rebels, the mid-season trailer is out and it looks pretty good.


But if that's actually Darth Maul I'm gonna be annoyed. Dude just needs to die already.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by JoshuaJSlone »

Something I've been thinking about that is a bit tangential to The Force Awakens itself. There seems to be more major non-movie content than ever; it seems like Marvel has a dozen Star Wars comics going on, for instance. But unlike the last trilogy, it doesn't seem like they're leaving themselves room to have things that take place at "current" time, at least between VII and VIII. I wasn't so into the tie-in media at the time, but with I and II and III taking place years apart, it was easy to make stories that didn't step over the main plot. Show Obi-Wan and Anakin doing Jedi training, show off the Clone Wars (as they did with 100+ TV episodes), etc. But VII basically ends on a cliffhanger, so you can't really tell a further story with the main characters without really stepping on VIII. Even if VIII doesn't pick up until a few years later (I have no idea), it would be giving a lot away to show what Luke and Rey are up to, for instance.

I think the closest to a new TFA-related story is an upcoming Poe Dameron comic, but that's supposed to deal with his hunting for the map before the movie.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

Most of the Marvel stuff is happening between A New Hope and Empire, but there are quite a few books that were part of "Journey to the Force Awakens" that gives back story to Rey, Finn, Poe and a few others. There probably won't be anything in the gap between 7 and 8 until after 8 comes out.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by JoshuaJSlone »

What was related to Rey and Finn? I read Shattered Empire which included Poe's parents.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

There's a novel about what Rey, Finn and Poe did prior to the movie called "Before the Awakening."
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by JoshuaJSlone »

^So I read Before the Awakening. I'd skipped over it before because Amazon called the Kindle version a "digital picture book", so I thought it was something meant for the extreme younglings. But I guess what they really meant was essentially it's a light novel, with a couple illustrations for each of the three stories. Aaaaand it's pretty decent. Of the various "Journey to the Force Awakens" books, seems like the one that is actually most connected to the movie. Poe's story in particular I found helpful for clarifying what the relationship between the Republic, Resistance, and First Order is in the "modern" galaxy.
Edit: That information in a nutshell, for those interested but not enough so to read the book. The Republic is once again the major force in the galaxy. The First Order is what remains of the Empire, but has a much smaller amount of territory. There's a neutral border area separating the two, and there are treaties between the two powers to prevent hostilities. However, the First Order seems to be getting more aggressive, so those in the Republic military who didn't feel the official powers were taking the threat seriously enough started to form a Resistance which would.
Last edited by JoshuaJSlone on Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by Shoujo Q »

Oh hi. Star War thread.
I tried to be good and started reading everything, then my eyes glazed over and my brain stopped working. I'm horrible like that.
Anyway I saw the movie a few weeks after it came out. My take-away. I felt it was really a homage to the original 3. Just a lot of role reversals. It was great movie for adults who saw it with their parents to bring their kids in and start the whole tradition over again type of film. Now that they got it out of the way I expect the future to not be so cut and dry. They can start playing more with the universe. It was a good re-introductory to the series is what I mean to say. 
Not much else to say other than, I can't wait to see it on Blu-ray. I only saw the movie once and I'd like to see it up against the other 6. But I'm wondering how I'll fair with the Prequel 3. I haven't touched those movies since they came out in theaters. 
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

I don't know if anyone keeps up with Rebels, but holy crap last night's episode was amazing!!!
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by WonderBuono »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
I don't know if anyone keeps up with Rebels, but holy crap last night's episode was amazing!!!
I do but I'm a little behind, but I can't wait to see it!!
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by Ap2000 »

I like Chewie in the movies, but I just read that Chewbacca is getting his own movie and that's absolutely ridiculous.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

He did have his own comic mini series a few months back, but even then he was a sidekick to a little girl.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by Ap2000 »

Screen Junkies made an Honest Trailer for TFA:
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

The Rogue One trailer is out!
I love how they are nailing the look of the originals. Also, Donny Yen beating Stormtrooper ass.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
The Rogue One trailer is out!
I love how they are nailing the look of the originals. Also, Donny Yen beating Stormtrooper ass.
Executive A: "We still need somebody for the experienced black dude role. Give me that guy that has been playing it for 20 years now."
B: "Morgan Freeman?"
A: "No, the cheap one."
B: "Forest Whitaker, gotcha."
I'm not excited for the movie, but the style looks good.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by aine »

Soo, what is this exactly? Episode VIII? A TV series?

I haven't seen TFA yet.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

It takes place just before episode 4. It's about the team that steals the plans for the original Death Star.
It's a stand alone movie. Their plan is 7, original movie, 8, original movie, 9, etc, until the end of time.
Last edited by al kusanagi on Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by aine »

Thanks Disney!

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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by WonderBuono »

My copy of the TFA Blu-ray is supposed to come today and I'm so excited! :D Really hoping that the bonus features are worthwhile.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by al kusanagi »

My copy of the TFA Blu-ray is supposed to come today and I'm so excited! :D Really hoping that the bonus features are worthwhile.

I spent about 3 hours last night watching them and it's pretty good.
I feel sorry for the poor editor who had to remove all the shit-talking they were doing about the prequels though.
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Re: The Star Wars thread

Post by JoshuaJSlone »

I went to check what the prices were, only to discover that they're not releasing the 3D version until later in the year. Wha? I know 3D isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's not like it isn't already done, or there's added difficulty in printing 3D discs, so I wonder why it's not day-and-date with the flatty versions.
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