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Post by Zounder »

This episode didn't seem to go over too well with some people but I was alright with it. But this better be the last "setup" episode, though. While not much happened in either timeline, there were some nice character advancement scenes and some good setup for the final episodes. I wish I didn't have to wait two weeks to see the next episode though...

Why was the episode called "The Last Recruit," by the way? Who was the last recruit? Jack?
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Zounder' post='79013' date='Apr 21 2010, 05:00 PM']Why was the episode called "The Last Recruit," by the way? Who was the last recruit? Jack?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that's why. Flocke said at the end "you're with me now".

Also, I'm more and more inclined to think that Jack will be the new Jacob and Sawyer the new MIB is actually going to happen. Eventhough I hope they came up with something even better, that'd be a nearly perfect ending to the series.

Of course this could all change with what's going to be shown in episode 15.
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Post by Ap2000 »

I've been reading some article on IGN about the candidates and somebody in the comments mentioned the following:

In the Lighthouse episode we see only 5 names on the cave wall/ceiling.

However, in the lighthouse itself there is one more name (#51) that is not crossed out, besides Locke of course:


I never realized that and haven't seen this before.

I think this could become a big important plot device in the finale. MIB doesn't seem to recognize Kate as a candidate, while Jacob seems to. Maybe this is his hidden ace for the final showdown ?
Last edited by Ap2000 on Sat May 01, 2010 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zounder »

That could be true, but I don't think they actually show "Austen" crossed out on the cave wall... it might be there uncrossed and just not shown on camera.
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Zounder' post='79404' date='May 2 2010, 04:09 AM']That could be true, but I don't think they actually show "Austen" crossed out on the cave wall... it might be there uncrossed and just not shown on camera.[/quote]

Doesn't Flocke tell Sawyer the names that aren't crossed out ? (I don't have the episode here, so I can't check it)
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Post by Zounder »

Actually, nevermind, you were correct. According to Lostpedia, "Austen is crossed out in the cave but not in the lighthouse." So yeah, that is odd. Maybe Flocke is indeed making a miscalculation.
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Post by al kusanagi »

Well fuck.

That dickhole Jack better find a way to reverse everything that's happened.
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Post by eri »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='79526' date='May 4 2010, 07:12 PM']Well fuck.

That dickhole Jack better find a way to reverse everything that's happened.[/quote]

This was the saddest episode ever. Ever.
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='eri' post='79528' date='May 5 2010, 05:43 AM']This was the saddest episode ever. Ever.[/quote]

Maybe Episode 16 (Title: What they died for) will be even more sad/sader. (I'm not sure which one is correct)

I find it kinda unbelievable that Sun didn't say to Jin to go and look after their daughter. Anybody else thinks this was not very logical !? This was the only thing that bugged me in this episode, other than that it was fantastic.

Also, now that Jin/Sun are dead, maybe Kwon referred to Ji Yeon ?

Next week's episode will probably answer most of the questions, since it's MIB/Jacob-centric.

The preview doesn't give away much.

MIB sure is one dirty bastard. He tricked everybody into it and he knew exactly what was going to happen, ingenious.

What's interesting is that MIB immediately felt they weren't (all) dead.

Also, where the fuck is Widmore !?
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Post by Zounder »

Everything AP just said +1. Great episode, The entire Sub sequence was one of the more intense moments on the show, right up there with the end of The Incident.

I was totally expecting everybody but Jack and MIB to end up on the sub then MIB was just gonna blow it up and Jack would be the only one left.

I also loved the Alit-timeline sequences, I'm a sucker for all the moments where quotes from the main timeline show up ("You have to let go," "I wish you believed me," "I hope you find what you are looking for," etc.)

Next episode looks AMAZING: Allison Janney has been cast to play what I'm presuming to be MiB/Jacob's mother, which looks to be a huge role.
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Post by Fina »

BITCHES. Jin and Sun were my OTP. How dare they make them be apart forever and have a shitty, short reunion and call it good? I am so upset. (And when Hurley cried I lost it.) This and Juliet's death, man, Lost-writer(s) you suck. And what the hell? Why is it that Kate is still alive? DAMN YOU KATE.

Hysterics aside, it was a good episode. It finally solidified that Flocke is, indeed, a bad guy. Up until then I had kind of wondered if he's good and Jacob's bad, but now I know, and I hate him for it. At least there is flash-sideways Jin and Sun to make me happy. Why hasn't Juliet been in that yet? She'll probably be Sun's doctor.

F-you Kate. And Sawyer. Thank God Miles and Ben are still alive. I sort of forgot about them. My mind went straight to Kate/Jack/Hurley/Sawyer being the only ones left, and then I realized, oh wait, there's Ben, Miles and . . . .eyeliner dude who's name is slipping my mind, and Claire, also Desmond is (officially) alive but stuck in a well. And then this just makes me go "How the heck have I kept track of all these characters?" Not to mention, Vincent is somewhere on the island still. Unless he died. We never saw that, though.

This is an interesting read, it's from the writer, he kind of explains the episode a bit. It gave a little insight. The interesting part is that he never mentions Lupedis, which, I assume is because he wasn't one of the main three, but then again . . . subtle hint?
Last edited by Fina on Wed May 05, 2010 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zounder »

[quote name='Fina' post='79554' date='May 5 2010, 11:13 PM']Why hasn't Juliet been in that yet?[/quote]

My prediction is that, near the end, she wil show up in the ALT and meet Sawyer, and they will go out for coffee and "go dutch," as per her dying/hallucinatory words in the main timeline.
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Post by Ap2000 »

Juliet may also be the mother of Jack's son.
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Post by Ap2000 »

A spoiler about wether one of the side cast is dead or still alive (and thus we'll see in a future episode):


I read it and am extremely happy that he/she is dead/alive.
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Post by Zounder »

That link directed me to the main spoiler page (just a warning for those who may choose to click) but I do know what you are referring to, and I share your happiness. However, I am sad to see that (another casting spoiler) Mr. Eko will not be returning.
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Post by Ap2000 »

Well, tonight's episode explained quite a lot.

I'm happy they didn't give it some shitty christian explanation and used own ideas.

Never thought they'd explain the wheel. lol


Here's the trailer for next week:


It doesn't give away anything of what's going to happen, but it's really making me sad that LOST is finally coming to an end. =(
Last edited by Ap2000 on Wed May 12, 2010 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by eri »

What? Worst episode ever!
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='eri' post='79749' date='May 12 2010, 07:38 PM']What? Worst episode ever![/quote]

... and why ?
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Post by eri »

[quote name='Ap2000' post='79750' date='May 12 2010, 11:52 AM'][quote name='eri' post='79749' date='May 12 2010, 07:38 PM']What? Worst episode ever![/quote]

... and why ?


Terrible acting & a ridiculous storyline that could have been condensed to 20 minutes of the show? An olive-skinned woman from a ship of, perhaps, Egyptians somehow lead to two veerrryy white looking kids who grow up in this pseduo mythical, pre-science age and have a bizarre and underdeveloped rivalry because one is simply "special"? And spending 30 years in isolation from his mother, one decides his goal to leave the island can easily be accomplished because some smart guy in his group thinks a giant wheel can harnass light and water...which will somehow get him off the island? Also, and Jacob?? Once intriguing character now reduced to more, simpering tools that know nothing about the island or its mysteries? And even still, learning about Jacob's background explained NOTHING about why he & MIB are playing this new "game" with his new rules.

Though I accept that we'll never understand the origins of the island or the exact nature of its power, the show works by creating totally believable characters in a mysterious place. This episode made no sense in terms of character motivations, behaviors, and relationships. It was a HUGE disappointment given how intriguing these characters were.
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Post by Ap2000 »

She talked latin, afaik.

Which was never used in egypt.

Mark Pellegrino is half-spanish, so the "skin tone" is very well possible.

What made the different POVs of the two guys is that MIB saw his dead mother, Jacob didn't, imho.

The power is just electro magnetism, but veeery concentrated. (otherwise Widmore's experiments on Desmond would have been completely useless)
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Post by Zounder »

Aww, eri, I totally disagree. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. It was one of my favorite episode ever! To address some of your concerns, I'm pretty sure they are of Roman heritage. I was reading an analysis of the episode and they pointed out that Claudia could come from Claudius, which was, incidentally, the name of a Roman emperor. Claudia was also wearing accurate Roman clothing. The Roman Empire was roughly 500 BC - 500 AD, so that could be the timeframe we're looking at. The Egyptians could have come before or after (My theory is before, which I'll get to later.)

I thought the acting was exceptional. Especially Allison Janney and Titus Welliver.

So, I have a lot of thoughts about this episode that I'm still organizing in my head, after everything settles in I'll post some thoughts.

A couple tidbits here, though:

-Sickness now makes sense: The smoke monster, being from that source of light, sucks out the "light" inside the victim, leaving them in darkness, which explains the scale in the temple. I still don't get how Sayid came back to life, though. I fear we'll never get a good explanation of that.

-Theory: Somehow, Widmore is aware of this cave. When Desmond turned the fail safe key, he somehow became in-tune with the light in the cave, perhaps because electromagnetism is related, as we saw in the cave with the wheel. So Widmore is planning to use him to travel inside the light cave, knowing he cannot be harmed.

-Theory: Egyptians came to the island earlier, that's how the fake mother got there and she became the protector. She witnessed the birth of a previous smoke monster, which is why she knows to tell Jacob not to go in there. This previous smoke monster existing explains the cave with the hieroglyphics and the vent with the picture of the smoke monster. Something happened and the Egyptians destroyed each other (and the smoke monster), which brought about fake mother's disdain for humanity.

More coming later.
Last edited by Zounder on Wed May 12, 2010 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Zounder' post='79759' date='May 13 2010, 12:02 AM']-Sickness now makes sense: The smoke monster, being from that source of light, sucks out the "light" inside the victim, leaving them in darkness, which explains the scale in the temple. I still don't get how Sayid came back to life, though. I fear we'll never get a good explanation of that.

-Theory: Somehow, Widmore is aware of this cave. When Desmond turned the fail safe key, he somehow became in-tune with the light in the cave, perhaps because electromagnetism is related, as we saw in the cave with the wheel. So Widmore is planning to use him to travel inside the light cave, knowing he cannot be harmed.

-Theory: Egyptians came to the island earlier, that's how the fake mother got there and she became the protector. She witnessed the birth of a previous smoke monster, which is why she knows to tell Jacob not to go in there. This previous smoke monster existing explains the cave with the hieroglyphics and the vent with the picture of the smoke monster. Something happened and the Egyptians destroyed each other (and the smoke monster), which brought about fake mother's disdain for humanity.

More coming later.[/quote]

I think the temple was built on top/near the light cave and the water was the river we saw flowing in front of it.

Thus, the egyptians came actually AFTER smokey was created and they worshipped him as a god.
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Post by Fina »

[quote name='Zounder' post='79759' date='May 12 2010, 04:02 PM']-Sickness now makes sense: The smoke monster, being from that source of light, sucks out the "light" inside the victim, leaving them in darkness, which explains the scale in the temple. I still don't get how Sayid came back to life, though. I fear we'll never get a good explanation of that.[/quote]

In an article written by the author, he said something about how the evil in Sayid was all a "choice." Like, if people told him/acted like he was evil, he would be evil. But if he had the opportunity to be good, he could be good. It was all his choice, but he continually put himself into this "I'm a bad guy" routine and, in result, made a lot of stupid choices. So it makes me wonder whether or not the monster could be evil, or if he is merely making the choice? I am relieved to know that man in black is not really an evil character, but the monster is. (I'm guessing that the monster has just been using Jacob's brother's body this entire time and not actually him.)

My brother seems to think that this all has something to do with the Egyptian god Anubis, and how maybe Anubis is trapped below, and the smoke monster is a subject of his and wants to escape, so that he's not stuck in "hell".

But I agree with Eri in the sense that I didn't like last night's episode, mostly because I thought it HAD to answer a ton of my questions, and really, it didn't. (Why am I still surprised by this? Who knows.) At the very least I expected to learn the Man in Black's name, as it's supposedly really important. And man, did anyone else think for a little bit that they were making the light out to be the fountain of youth? I was pissed. Fuck no, the island cannot be the place where the fountain of youth is, that's retarded. But I'm pretty sure it's not so all is well.

I'm a little irritated by this season because I feel like the majority of it is just filler episodes and it's driving me crazy. If they didn't have that much story left to tell, don't plan for so many episodes. Looking back, there was always a good episode, and then 3 that were pretty much useless, then a good one, then some more boring ones.
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Fina' post='79768' date='May 13 2010, 03:48 AM']At the very least I expected to learn the Man in Black's name, as it's supposedly really important.[/quote]

I don't know why people want to know his name. It's completely irrelevant imho.
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Post by eri »

[quote name='Zounder' post='79759' date='May 12 2010, 04:02 PM']-Theory: Egyptians came to the island earlier, that's how the fake mother got there and she became the protector. She witnessed the birth of a previous smoke monster, which is why she knows to tell Jacob not to go in there. This previous smoke monster existing explains the cave with the hieroglyphics and the vent with the picture of the smoke monster. Something happened and the Egyptians destroyed each other (and the smoke monster), which brought about fake mother's disdain for humanity.[/quote]

<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':frown:' /> I've recovered from my post-episode whines.

So you think the smoke monster is its own entity? I thought MIB's soul/energy/etc was the essence of the black smoke and I assumed later that new residents came to build the caves, the statues, etc.

A person at lostpedia thinks the mother was herself a smoke monster, but that she was "released" when killed by MIB.
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Post by Zounder »

[quote name='eri' post='79770' date='May 12 2010, 11:38 PM']<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':frown:' /> I've recovered from my post-episode whines.

So you think the smoke monster is its own entity? I thought MIB's soul/energy/etc was the essence of the black smoke and I assumed later that new residents came to build the caves, the statues, etc.

A person at lostpedia thinks the mother was herself a smoke monster, but that she was "released" when killed by MIB.[/quote]

I don't think that Smokey is it's own entity, rather I simply think some other poor unfortunate soul was transformed in the same way MiB was, ever farther in the past. But, Ap provides an alternative theory that also makes sense, as does the theory you mention about the Mother. That would explain why she knows about the dangers of entering the cave, as well as her last words, "Thank you."

The reason why I theorized about a second person transformed into smokey was to explain the Egyptian engravings, but if they came after MiB/Jacob did, as Ap suggested, then that seems like a much simpler explanation.
Last edited by Zounder on Wed May 12, 2010 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fina »

[quote name='Ap2000' post='79769' date='May 12 2010, 07:50 PM'][quote name='Fina' post='79768' date='May 13 2010, 03:48 AM']At the very least I expected to learn the Man in Black's name, as it's supposedly really important.[/quote]

I don't know why people want to know his name. It's completely irrelevant imho.


The actor who plays the Man in Black said this in an interview:

"If you don't think the Man In Black's name is important, here's a quote from Titus Welliver, the actor who plays the 19th-century version of the Man In Black:

'They don't want to give anything away. I know that this character has a name and I know the importance of it; that's all that I know. I think they deliberately withheld that.'"

Thus, I've always been under the impression that it actually brings something to the story.
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Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Fina' post='79778' date='May 13 2010, 06:36 PM']The actor who plays the Man in Black said this in an interview:

"If you don't think the Man In Black's name is important, here's a quote from Titus Welliver, the actor who plays the 19th-century version of the Man In Black:

'They don't want to give anything away. I know that this character has a name and I know the importance of it; that's all that I know. I think they deliberately withheld that.'"

Thus, I've always been under the impression that it actually brings something to the story.[/quote]

Ok, well in that case; it depends wether he's talking about boy/adult-MIB or Smokey. It seems to me that he died (or got "consumed" by the light source) and Smokey comes out of the cave. The MIB we see at the beach in The Incident is just an "illusion" like Christian.

Of course it's also possible that Smokey is something that has nothing to do with the original human MIB and he just used it's soul/body as a catalyst for getting free.

I do agree that the name of Smokey can be important (Cerberus, maybe ?), but I meant the name of actual human/alive MIB was unimportant.
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Post by eri »

I wish they'd just come out and said his name is Esau. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':frown:' />

This is not central to the discussion here, but that "flashback" to season 1 was so surprising to me. Kate and Jack look noticeably younger. I guess they filmed all that 5-6 years ago but damn that Hawaii sun must age you fast.

The lovely Evangeline Lily gave an interview on Jimmy Kimmel and she said MORE PEOPLE WOULD DIE! Well, I guess given the title "what they died for", it isn't much of a spoiler but still! I have a sinking feeling they're going to kill Hurley just to fuck with us. Otherwise, my bet is on Widmore (who finally reconciles with Desmond), Richard (who finally dies) and maybe Ben.
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Post by al kusanagi »

Yo Lost! I know you ain't over yet and imma let you finish, but Supernatural was the best ending of 2010.
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