The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

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al kusanagi
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The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by al kusanagi »

Ap mentioned it in the game thread, so I figured we might as well argue about everyone elses wrong taste in games!
Al's top 10 games of 2013!
Honorable Mentions- Proteus, The Stanley Parable, The Wolf Among Us, Ducktales Remastered
10. Marvel Heroes- A Marvel Comics Diablo clone where you can play as Rocket Raccoon and Squirrel Girl. ROCKET RACCOON and SQUIRREL GIRL!!!!
9. Magrunner: Dark Pulse- Portal meets the Cthulhu Mythos, only with positive and negative gravity instead of Portals.
8. Shadowrun Returns- Shadowrun returning to its tabletop roots in an awesome old school way. While the base game was a little light on content, the user generated missions are making it all the better.
7. Assassins Creed 4- I'm one of the minority that actually liked AC3, but AC4 is superior in every way. A great entry in a series that people had written off as ready to die. PS. Sea shanties are my new jams!
6. Battlefield 4- Yes, it's still broken as hell, but when it works it's an absolute blast to play. Plus, it has a stage inspired by Jurassic Park, complete with a goat-eating T-Rex.
5. Rogue Legacy- One of those, "I'll just play for a few minutes. Oh shit, it's 3am!" games. Definitely the most addicting thing I played all year.
4. The Last of Us-   Yeah, the combat was a pain, but it had a great story with absolutely amazing characters, not to mention both the best beginning and ending a game has had in a while. A great way to send out the PS3.
3. Mechwarrior Online- Like Shadowrun, a great return to a classic franchise. A thinking man's shooter where you pilot 100 ton walking tanks that actually move and respond with some real weight to them. Also, a game where teamwork is a must and your typical YOLOFPSDUDEBRO dies in flames every time.
2. Bioshock Infinite- Loved the story, loved the characters, and absolutely loved the setting, not to mention the gorgeous aesthetic of the game. Also, dat music!
1. Macross 30- A flight sim RPG that brings together characters from 30 years of Macross history. As a lifetime fan of the franchise, this was a complete dream come true. With the mecha, a love triangle, and the power of music, it was everything that makes Macross Macross.
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Re: The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by Ap2000 »

Too early ! I still have so much stuff to play from this year...
But I'm also going to add some ideas from Giantbomb, like "Please stop" for trends I hate and best OST.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by cadmonkey »

I only bought 1 new game this year, so by default my game of the year is Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
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Re: The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by Sabaku Ika »

I also didn't play enough of the major games this past year to fairly rank them, but I think I can pick a favorite...
Fire Emblem: Awakening was basically perfect and I can't think of another that I enjoyed nearly that much. Others I think are worth mentioning here include Pokemon X/Y, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Tomb Raider, and Final Fantasy IV: ARR.
edit: I am not counting Zelda: A Link Between Worlds because I'm still so early in it. Otherwise, it might have gone in my honorable mentions too.
Last edited by Sabaku Ika on Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by aine »

I'd love to have a healthy argument, but I'm also with the "haven't played any 2013 title yet" crowd. I'm still struggling with the earlier backlog, but I made a sort of resolution to focus on finishing games in reasonable times rather than clocking 100+ hours without really progressing the story.

Extrapolating from trusted reviews and my own taste, Metro: Last Light would probably be the top of my list.

Possibly following would be Tomb Raider, though I never played any TR for real before so I'm yet to find out if Lara's boobs adventures hold enough appeal for me.

Papers, Please could make a surprise appearance high in the list. I feel I need a break from all FPP/TPP 3D action games.

Next would be Shadow Warrior - I enjoyed the original game a lot as well as Flying Wild Hog's previous title (Hard Reset), so chances are high I will enjoy this too.

Because I'm unlikely to finish more than 10 games in a year, Aliens: Colonial Marines would probably appear too. I mentioned that in the gaming thread already, but despite being universally shat upon at the time of release, it is surprisingly enjoyable, especially in multiplayer co-op.

I just realized there was one kind-of 2013 game that I actually played - the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter beta. The few hours I managed to squeeze out of it during holidays were quite okay, though still severely lacking. I'll probably hold back from playing the beta further (there goes one of my Kickstarter pledge benefits) because at this stage it feels like hardly more than a tech demo and I don't want to get frustrated with it. I'm already a little concerned because the game was originally promised for Q4 2013 release but it still has a ton of work to be done to be satisfactory.

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Re: The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by Ap2000 »

Wow, I am LATE.
And even wower, not many people posted their favourite games of this/the last year !

10. Bioshock Infinte - Not as great as any of the previous Shock games and plenty more plot holes (why did nobody use the plasmids if they were sold everywhere etc.). However, if you shut off your mind and just take it for what it is, it's still a very entertaining game.
9. The Swapper - Insanely well done audiovisual presentation, especially considering it's just an indie game. But, it's also really, really short, which keeps it from getting a higher place.
8. Sanctum 2 - I did not like the first Sanctum at all, because I thought it had a shitty style. The second game refines the style a lot and turns it into a very good FPS-TD game, similar to Orcs must die. The story is quite laughable and told in a few cheap cartoon picture. I am not sure why they've even tried...
7. Völgarr the Viking - By far one of the manliest games ever made.
6. Papers, please ! - What an ingenious title, that only seems good if you've actually played the game. It is an extremely interesting idea with many endings (about 20 according to a wiki). The puzzle/fast-reaction gameplay might even start to question yourself as a human being.
5. Antichamber - I don't have much to say about this, except for it's a really well made and intriguing puzzle game.
4. Rogue Legacy - Not a roguelike, but it borrows some aspects from roguelikes and makes the idea of dying = restart your run more "it's ok" because of being rather forgiving.
3. Spelunky - I have suffered many deaths in this game, but barely any felt like they were in vain. And if it did, it was my own fault. You can also just listen to the music for a good dozen of hours, if you're afraid.
2. Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon - It is the near future. The apocalypse has had an apocalypse. Experience pure gaming fun as it hasn't been done in a long time !
1. Ni no kuni (PS3) - Simply put, this is the best JRPG since Final Fantasy X. And even better than that in terms of world openness. I absolutely LOVE this game and it was an absolutely amazing ride for several dozens of hours. It also had one of the most charming video game OSTs I've heard in years. This is the game I've been waiting for over decade.
Some special needs tricycle awards:
Most disappointing game: BioShock Infinte could have been SO much more and could have had so much more engaging and interesting gameplay (see any pre-release trailer), but it failed miserably in most areas.
Most annoying trend: being overly political-correct and SJW bullshit.
Best game played, but not released this year: I can't give this to Dark Souls again, so I'll give it to Far Cry 3, if we count in mods. The base game is nearly unplayable because of casualization garbage and the game holding your hand, but with some mod(s) it's a lot more interesting.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Sat May 31, 2014 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 2013 Games of the Year thread!

Post by Ap2000 »

I just wanted to point out that Payday 2 is really, really, realy great co-op game and it should be put somewhere in the top 5 on my list.
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