[2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

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[2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by JPope »

Airi is releasing her 2nd long-palyer in a week. All info from the <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='https://helloproject.fandom.com/wiki/I_(Suzuki_Airi)' class="bbc_url" title="External link">H!P Wiki</a>.


1. Break it down

2. Dissolution

3. Escape

4. Hanauta (ハナウタ; Humming)


6. Kimagure (気まぐれ; Fickle)




10. Betsu no Hito no Kanojo ni Natta yo (別の人の彼女になったよ; I Became Another Girlfriend) (wacci cover)

11. Parallel Date (パラレルデート)

12. Watashi no Migigawa (Takuroku Uta version) (私の右側(宅録うた version); My Right-Hand Side (Home Recording version))

Regular Cover


Limited Cover


PV for <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4xyoYI ... e=emb_logo' class="bbc_url" title="External link">"Breakdown"</a>

EDIT: Huh, you apparently can't edit a topic's title line once it's been posted, nor can you delete a topic. Bummer.
Last edited by JPope on Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by TicTacAnyone »

I was so pleasantly surprised to find Break It Down on my Youtube feed last night.... LOVED IT. Airi has been releasing songs I like left and right...... Good for her.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by WonderBuono »

I’m too lazy to get the link but there is a dance practice for Break It Down on her channel as well and it is so fun.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by Farrah »

I really like Break It Down as a song!  And the dance is fun.  I feel like the video is surprisingly low budget though - seems like everything since her debut has gotten more and more so.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by WonderBuono »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="219304" data-time="1576218016">
I really like Break It Down as a song! And the dance is fun. I feel like the video is surprisingly low budget though - seems like everything since her debut has gotten more and more so.</blockquote>

The inevitable fate of any artist managed by Up-Front. I think it works very well for its budget though, especially the cute scenes in the pink frame.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by Anderei »

This ranked 11 with 10,172 copies sold.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by JPope »

I haven't heard it yet, but that's a pretty steep drop off from her debut. Airi is probably never going to see real mainstream success regardless of how good her material is. She has a great idol voice, but there's nothing really unique about it outside of the idol bubble, and C-ute was never so big that non-wota are likely to know or care much about her. I don't think it's unfair to say that her current audience is comprised almost entirely of former C-ute wota and H!P fans, which makes me wonder if it might make more sense to market Airi -- and other's like her -- as adult-crossover idols within H!P. They could pretty much run everything the same on the musical side, but have her perform at select H!P events in addition to her solo club work. They could even give opening club slots to some of the H!P girls nearing graduation age to see how they handle a solo set. I think they could staunch the post-debut sales crash by keeping their graduated-to-soloists attached to the Hello! Project, even in a limited way.
Also, thanks to the person who fixed the topic title!
Last edited by JPope on Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by Anderei »

It’s pretty normal for idols who go solo to see a drop off. I’m not really able to think of one whose first album/single wasn’t also their best selling. Yamamoto Sayaka, who is an ex-NMB member’s first album sold 50k the first week and her second sold 37k. And she hadn’t even graduated quite yet when the second came out. For an H!P example, Goto’s first album sold 102k and her second sold half that.
Last edited by Anderei on Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by TicTacAnyone »

Here's all the songs from her new album:
Bye Bye
Parallel Date ~Airi helped write/compose
Kimagure ~Airi helped write/compose
Hanauta~Airi helped write/compose
Betsu no Hito no Kanojo ni Natta yo
Watashi no Migiawa ~Airi helped write/compose
Airi seems to really like to create these soft, feminine pieces that I'm really loving. Amazing songs, I prefer them to the harder/pop songs (sans Break it Down which itself is amazing.)
Last edited by TicTacAnyone on Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by TicTacAnyone »

Double posting because Airi released an interesting MV for Betsu no Hito no Kanojo ni Natta yo.... Of course I love it. Since I already loved the song, lol.
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Re: [2019.12.18] Suzuki Airi 2nd Album “i”

Post by WonderBuono »

Airi performing Dissolution.
I really love that she performs with a band and that they feature them so much in this video!
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