What would be the likelihood of reunions!

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What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by Solarblade »

We're on our 25th Anniversary for H!P and I had been thinking about reunions and what would be great to see....maybe realistically or not...so I thought I'd go over all the members that have existed in the company and give open thoughts and kind of view if there would be a possibility. At least..

I'll start off with Morning Musume since flagship and has crazy amounts of members!

(Blue = Most Definitely - Red = Never Gonna Happen, Green = Possibly to Complication, Pink = Current H!P member

Morning Musume

1st Gen: Abe, Ishiguro, Iida, Nakazawa, Fukuda - I mean we did get them all together for the last big anniversary, right? I don't think it would be too difficult to manage to bring them back together, Fukuda might be the odd one considering how long it took her to reunite...but I could see them reuniting,

2nd Gen: Yasuda, Yaguchi, Ichii - Already confirmed to happen in the upcoming 25th Anniversary performances in September, though color me surprised that Ichii has returned!

3rd Gen: Goto - I would like to assume she'd be down for it, but it's really up in the air?

4th Gen: Tsuji, Ishikawa, Kago, Yoshizawa - With Yossie bowing out of the industry, it would take A LOT to get her to join in....but I wouldn't count on it. Aibon would be great to see again considering the blacklisting is more or less finally over and she has reunited with Nono in the last few years. About Nono, there's a 5% chance of her not joining because she's the babymaker machine so....mmmmm. At least I do think Rika and Tsuji would be a def join.

5th Gen: Takahashi, Konno, Niigaki, Ogawa - I definitely could see all of 5th Gen around somehow. Makoto is the oddball out because I have no idea what she's been up to as of late, but the other 3 have been nearby in some sense (especially since Ai-chan and Konkon are gonna show up for the 25th). This is a best chance scenario here.

6th Gen: Michishige, Fujimoto, Tanaka, Kamei - As much as it sucks to say, Kame has definitely shown zero interest in reuniting on stage with the group (though she has popped up on radar here and then). I would love to be surprised by seeing Eri again, but I feel like that train has come and gone. The other 3 for sure would love to come back.

7th Gen: Kusumi - Koharu is just an oddity, I think she wouldn't do it unless there's a real reason to, but I don't think she feels like coming back, but who knows...she was in Dream Momusu XD

8th Gen: Mitsui, Junjun, Linlin - 8th Gen would be difficult to really pull in. Aika is one thing, but even I'm not sure about that because of her abroad stuff and she did leave the company after a while, so maybe? Junjun and Linlin though are in China so it'd be hard to pull them overseas for something like this...I think it'd be worth it thoughhhhh.

9th Gen: Sayashi, Suzuki, Fukumura, Ikuta - It's the mix of Riho's solo situation and Zukki's kind of lack of appearance that makes me think it could happen, but a lot needs to happen to get there, though I think with Fukuchan's upcoming graduation, it would be perfect timing to see all 4 together again.

10th Gen: Sato, Kudo, Iikubo, Ishida - Love to see this four again. I say Maachan would obviously do it as she hasn't been gone THAT long and she still remains close to the company so I could see Masaki join in. Duu and Harunan is a bit more unsure as they current endeavors are unique with Duu being and actress and Harunan...well...what is she doing exactly? I think it would be great seeing them back together too!

11th Gen: Oda

12th Gen: Ogata, Makino, Nonaka, Haga - Since only Haachin is the only one graduated, it's kind of unsure whether she'd be up for this considering she's in a new group and it seems she didn't have the best of times under H!P. Up in the air, I suppose?

13th Gen: Kaga, Yokoyama - Kaedii just graduated last year, maybe she'd be down...hard to say.

14th Gen: Morito - Also graduated recently, I think she'd do it since she's still connected to UFP, though she is in Canada right now...sooo...

15th Gen: Kitagawa, Yamazaki, Okamura

16th Gen: Sakurai

17th Gen: Yumigeta, Inoue
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by JPope »

That's probably pretty close to reality, although I might change a couple of them. I'll rank the one's you list as less-than-certain to do a reunion starting with the least likely:

Yossi: Yossi is the only absolute NO WAY WAY, because I can't see UF even extending the opportunity to her.

Kamei: If it was gonna happen, it would've probably happened by now. Still, she'd at least be welcome to a reunion.

JunLin: Wouldn't shock me as much as Kamei, but I do wonder if their sudden departure left them with any lingering bitter feelings toward the company.

Kusumi: She's a busy girl and seems to enjoy not having her name associated with H!P. She's right on the line between "no way" and "maybe" for me.

Ogata: On the one hand, she's an active member of group outside of UF; otoh, reuniting with MM for a night would be great publicity for YouPlus.

Riho: She's her own boss, so working it into her schedule isn't the problem, it's the desire to do it, and she strikes me as the type who doesn't look back once she moves on from something.

Zukki: Members who leave the entertaiment business altogether likely do so for a reason, and Zukki has kept herself nearly as scarce as Kamei since leaving MM. I bet she'd do a reunion if Riho asked her, though.

Ogawa: Didn't she do a couple of MM dance videos with Aichan last year? She's a bit more enigmatic than a lot of former members, but my sense is that'd she be there.

Kago: If UF asks, she'll do it.

Goto: I think she'd be in unless there was a major schedule conflict, and I doubt that UF would spring it on them on short notice. So unless she got hurt or pregnant, I think Maki would do it.

Aika: I think she'd absolutely take part in a reunion if asked. She fucking loved MM.

Kudo/Iikubo: They've both been taking part in H!P events since leaving, either as guests or emcees, so I'm confident both would be down with a reunion. The only snag would be if Kudo was offered an acting gig that got in the way.

Kaga: I know she's only been gone for less than a year, but I'd be gobsmacked if UF threw a reunion and she didn't take part.

Fukuda: Whatever weirdness there was between Fukuda and the rest was put to bed during the 20th Anniversary, for which she did multiple appearances. A 25th reunion would be an easy payday for her, and good publicity for whatever her current gig is.

One name that you have in blue that I'm not entirely sure of is Risa. My gut says she'd be more likely to do it than not, but she's a bit of an odd bird. She's definitely one that I'd most want to see, though.
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by DonJuan »

Very interesting thought. I see y'all's points, but I'm actually a bit reluctant about a lot of the older members.

1st gen: Actually I feel like a lot of them have settled quite well into calm family life. Appearing on stage might be possible, but I doubt they're actually down for performing. Funnily, Yuko seems to be the one who's on stage the most, with her solo anniversary live planned for August. But Nacchi and Aya are basically on hiatus, and I have no idea what Asuka is doing.

2nd gen: All possible and very likely actually. Kei and Mari are basically the most active of the oldest former members, and Sayaka has joined them in an event not too long ago.

3rd gen: You know what gets me? That Maki wasn't there for the 20th anniversary. So I'm really reserved about this. She's active so that shouldn't be a problem, but I kind of can see her not taking part in this.

4th gen: Yossy is out obviously. I thought Rika had more or less retired quietly, but she did have a birthday event this year, so who knows. Kago and Nono would probably be there if Up Front asked. Ever since Kago's comeback with H!P I have no doubts about her performing with H!P.

5th gen: I'm with JPope here honestly, Gaki *is* a bit of a wildcard. Ai will be down for it, but I don't know about Konno or Ogawa. Difficult.

6th gen: Miki will be there if they let her sing Romantic Ukare Mode lol. I don't think she's really interested in Morning Musume, though. Reina and Sayumi are the most likely to appear outside of the newest graduatees so they'll be there. Eri is out.

7th gen: I don't think Koharu wants to be there lol.

8th gen: I don't think any member of this generation will be there. JunLin are very comfortable in China and while they love H!P I doubt that Up Front loves them back enough to actually get them to Japan. Aika has been retired for some years now and I doubt she'll come back.

9th gen: Pretty sure Zukki is out. Riho might be difficult, but I can see her appear because of her love for H!P. The other two are a given.

10th gen: The only thing in the way of a full 10th gen reunion might be everybody's individual schedules, so I sure hope Up Front plans in advance. They're all still close to the company (or are part of it) so it should be possible.

11th gen: -

12th gen: Well, Oharu is free now. Might as well come visit. I wonder if she wants to though, considering she wasn't exactly loved during her time in H!P.

13th gen: If they manage to plan around her schedule, Kaga will be there.

14th gen: Well, Chiichan has just left for Canada, so I doubt she'd be there.

/EDIT: Just saw the H!P anniversary concert announcements and lol. Guess Konno and Rika are possible!
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by Shoujo Q »

I made a really long post and I didn’t save it properly and I’m sad.
This is a place where a signature goes. Enjoy some Airi instead.
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by JPope »

Shoujo Q wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:45 pm I made a really long post and I didn’t save it properly and I’m sad.
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by Solarblade »

So here's the the longer post going over past H!P units and members and how likely OR unlikely their reunion could happen

(Blue = Most Definitely - Red = Never Gonna Happen, Green = Possibly down to Complications, Pink = Current H!P Group / Member

Let's Go!

Michiyo Heike - I mean to be fair she hasn't really been mentioned much in the recent years and her music doesn't get thrown into rotation, would love to see it...but I have low hopes.

Taiyou to Ciscomoon - I think if it wasn't for RuRu's lack of appearance in any of the previous reunions, I actually would put this in blue to be honest since each time we've seen Inaba, Shinoda, and Kominato come together without RuRu, so it's not like it wouldn't be impossible to pull off. Though I think like Junjun and Linlin, the whole China thing is a little difficult to deal with.

Tanpopo - Could see Ishiguro, Yaguchi, and Iida reunite for sure or even 2nd Gen (with Kago and Ishikawa), though if I was to include all variants of Tanpopo (AKA including the revival unit era), that's where I think complications would happen since Tanpopo# would be difficult to pull off what with Kamei out of the industry and Okai and Mitsui kind of just hidden away leaving Kumai as the only active who could possibly return too. So let's just leave it at that. As for 3rd Gen Tanpopo....I dunno...Niigaki, Shibata, and Konno would be nice to see...just not to perform their only A-side though...

Country Musume - Considering an all member reunion is impossible (r.i.p. Yanagihara), I feel like this unit would be hard to pull off. I know Satoda would love to return for this for sure, but I'm not even sure if the rest of the group would be down. Kobayashi left quite quickly so she didn't make connections outside of Rinne & Hiromi and even then Rinne I feel like wouldn't do it either. Kimura and Saito MAY be up for it, but considering neither have been active....it's hard to gauge such a reunion. Although I guess if all else fails Ishikawa, Fujimoto, and Konno could step in?

Coconuts Musume - I actually don't think I could see Coconuts Musume return. I think if anything maybe Mika and Ayaka would do something, but April & Chelsea were long gone and don't really mention much and Danielle and Lehua do have fond memories of H!P, but I don't know if it would persuade them to return to the stage since Coconuts wasn't a strong force.

Chinatsu Miyoshi - I definitely can 100% say this wouldn't happen. She left on a bad note so hence I feel like she would never return on stage. Though I think most fans of H!P nowadays will be like...WHO? Though ugh, my only wish is that "Unchain My Heart" would get performed somehow.

Petitmoni - Could see it if Goto participates, Ichii and Yasuda would definitely be up for it, but considering they won't be able to do 2nd Gen (since Yoshizawa retired), I would love for this to happen! As for the others, 3rd Gen (once again, no Yossie) would be more complicated because of Kimura and Ogawa's lack of appearances lately. Petitmoni V though...could work maybe, Hagiwara though would be missing though.

Melon Kinenbi - I think they'd be so down for it. I mean they've done it a few times already, why not?

Yuki Maeda - Maeda has always been an odd one for H!P (since she became the Enka idol for H!P), lately Yuki hasn't been doing too much, so it's not like she would be too busy, but I'm not sure how'd she feel about returning to the stage.

Sheki-dol - I highly doubt this would ever happen since the group never really reunited at all after their disbandment. Granted they do get mentioned once in a while, like "Zentaiteki ni Daisuki Desu." occasionally. Don't know what ANY of the 4 members are doing nowadays or how they'd feel about such a thing. Would be pretty awesome though seeing them perform "Tetteiteki Unmei" though >.>

Minimoni - Mostly due to Mika really, the other 3 would do it for sure (plus Ai-chan would too). Shin Minimoni would be more difficult because of Linlin, but I could see Fukuda, Takeuchi, and Miyamoto joining in the fun too (could even just have both Minimoni groups just stick together without Mika and Linlin, but that would spark some flames, I bet. xD

Aya Matsuura - She would so do it, but I highly doubt she'd perform her biggest hits...probably stick to the ballads I'm sure.

Gomattou - Sure, I mean if Goto is down to do it and if Ayaya is OK for it...I can't see why not?

ZYX - Hard to piece the group together. I mean the original lineup would be lacking Tsugunaga, Umeda, Murakami and possibly Shimizu? Kind of hard to just have Marippe and Maimi do things alone. Even the revival unit would be missing many of its members too like Kusumi, Ogawa, Tokunaga, and possibly Wada so....I just don't see this happening.

Berryz Kobo - We're kind of due for a reunion aren't we? Somehow I feel like even though this could happen, the original 8 is never going to happen (the closest was Maiha actually being at their final performance). Of the remaining 7? Maasa, Miyabi, and Yurina would definitely be down. Risako, Saki, and Momoko seem to just disappear mostly and Chinami is here and there it seems. So maybe????

W - Has happened within the last 5 years, so this would definitely happen

v-u-den - Rika and Erika would definitely do it, it's really down to Yui here and what she's been up to or if she wants to rejoin. I think I could see it happening though...be really cool to see the trio again...Zoku v-u-den though is harder what with Sayu being the only one available (Risako and Junjun be missing out)

Nochiura Natsumi - Like Gomattou to be honest...depends on how active these members are wanting to be.

DEF.DIVA - Same thing + Rika who would def do it.

Aa! - Airi, Reina, and Miyabi....yeah this works out pretty well, even adding Akari would be fine too, they're all pretty active I think!

C-ute - The original 8? Nah, never gonna happed. Though I don't think the 5 that we were left with would even return back I feel like. Maybe it'd just be Airi, Maimi, and Saki since Chisa and Mai are kind of AFK right now. Though I could see Erika returning to the group for some reason, she was the only one that technically graduated cleanly without too much trouble unlike Megumi's early leavings and Kanna's sudden departure. Hmmm...maybe since Berryz is kind of small too for a reunion...I could see just a Berikyuu reunion which would do just fine too I think...mabye not for the HUGE fans of them...

GAM - Possibly if Matsuura would do it.

Tomoiki Ki wo Uetai - Would they even bother with this? Even if they did, Maeda and Arihara wouldnt return, Noto, Furukawa, and Mori may do it...but this is a fever dream situation. Since this was an Egg group, I highly doubt H!P would think twice on this group.

Morning Musume Tanjou 10nen Kinentai - Humorous, but this wouldn't happen...reuniting a 10 year anniversary unit to a 25th? Unless they fill out the members to include other odd-numbered generations of MM, I just don't see this happening.

THE Possible / Ciao Bella Cinquetti - ONLY if H!P decides so that they can participate since most of their releases were under TNX. Otherwise, this is probably more in the red zone.

Ongaku Gatas Ongaku Gatas as the original 10-nin, never going to happen what with Yossie gone. The problem is the Eggs that were involved in this would be the hardest to pull. Mano, Sengoku, and Noto I feel like would be down to performing again, but Sawada, Mutou, and Korenaga might be a harder sell (especially since those last two barely made appearances in their music anyways). I guess you could pull it off, but it'd be a strange one indeed.

SINA - They never really debuted...though I'd be gobsmacked if they came back to perform Frankencense...just saying...

Buono! - Would be awesome to see, but Momoko is missing really...

Athena & Robikerrotsu - Kind of an unnecessary reunion, I feel like. Gaki, Chisa, and Mittsi are kind of just missing so really only Nakky would be technically the only one available.

MilkyWay - Maybe? I stick this to the lower half of green because I don't have positive feelings that Koharu would return in of itself on top of what Kikkawa and Kitahara has been up to recently...I'd be cool with hearing Tan Tan Taan! again to be honest!

High-King - They'd most than likely have to do it without Maeda of course, but the remaining 4 I can see, they have to pull Captain out though!

Erina Mano - Yeah, I think she'd be down....granted it's been a while so I don't now how that'll translate out?

Ice Creamusume - Never gonna happen, H!P really doesn't want to remember them much and the members don't really do much either it feels like....so this is probably my best assumption

Shugo Chara Egg! - I could see it happening but not the original members so to speak. I think Saho, Fukuda, and Wada would do it, on top of Gen 2's Fukumura. Something about Irori and Nanami I feel like would keep them away (though Tanapyon's activities would suggest maybe she'd be interested?). Of course Yuuka wouldn't do it.

Guardians 4 - Like A&K, Guardians 4 is a maybe, but half of its members are on some kind of hiatus (Sugaya and Mitsui). They have come back a few times since, but nothing too recent, I suppose?

S/mileage/ANGERME - Hard to decide especially since this is the first group that's still currently going and what not. 4-nin S/mileage original is definitely a no-go what with Ogawa and Maeda gone from the music industry. Wada and Fukuda possibly would join up. 2nd Gen S/mileage is also kind of shaky. Takechan JUST graduated so she wouldn't be too far to ask for her to do one more thing. Meimi could do it if she's not too busy...same with Kana (albeit her group is disbanding soon) and Rinapuu probably the easiest to join...they could ask Kosuga to join but I highly doubt that she would.

As for ANGERME, Murotan could (though what with whats going on with her, that could be a mood killer), Aiai would say no, Kassa and Funaki are maybes and Haruka...well I'd like to see her one more time, but I think after what she did...that may be harder to see.

Da Xiao Jie - Like Ice Creamusume, they aren't Japanese so H!P would have low reasons to pull them together, but at the same time I feel like the two would happily reunite to do something?

Lilpri - No Maeda!

Juice=Juice- I think they would all reunite, I think the only exception would be Aina (though it would be awesome if she did come back for the reunion). Though like Yuka, Tomoko, Manaka, Karin, Sayuki, Nanami....yeah no I could see them all together again

Country Girls - Likewise, with the exception of Uta, I think the members of Country Girls would return. Momoko would be a difficult one to bring back (or just make Satoda the leader). Though on the other hand it would be difficult to pull them together since Risa, Nanami, Chisaki, Manaka, and Musubu have mostly disappeared. Hmmmm

Kobushi Factory - Honestly would be down to just having the 5 previous members return (Rei, Ayaka, Ayano, Sakurako, and Minami) especially with how tumultuous the other 3 members were (Rio, Rena, and Natsumi). So...another maybe...but it's too soon perhaps?

Tsubaki Factory - Since only Risa and Kiki are the only graduated members, I think Kiki would return, but Risamaru wouldn't (since you know all that drama that happened). Would be cool to see them two back, but they're still too soon to fix wounds maybe?



Hello Pro Kenshuusei Unit '23

Hello! Pro Egg / Kenshuusei - Never will happen, let's be honest. So many members, so many that have graduated, left, or just kind of disappeared into the void. Would be great yes, but realistically I doubt it would happen (especially the elder genenations...

WOO, there's the list y'all!!!
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by Shoujo Q »

I redid my long post. ENJOY! :ph34r:

First off, let's understand the structure of Up-Front.
UP-FRONT PROMOTION - They handle all of Hello!Project and JUST Hello!Project
J.P ROOM is affiliated with Just Production - J.P ROOM currently only has OG H!P members in it, though in the past it didn't.
Just Production has both with H!P girls being affiliated with.
UP-FRONT CREATE contains a majority of the other OG H!P members and the rest of the Up-Front talent.
Lastly is UP-FRONT AGENCY, which was where the Promotion group came from. It's the OG and it really has little to no one left in it.
And just to mention it, the bastard child, YU-M Entertainment. Which is where all the UUG groups are as well as a speckle of H!P talent that is affiliated with both. It seems to be affiliated with Up-Front, but not? I'm not sure how that spider web was formed.

Now with that out of the way. Who is available in that web for reunions.

First up, M-Line. These girls are still considered active and release fan-club related material and do fan club related events regularly. So they should technically be available for reunions if asked.

Morning Musume
Nakazawa Yuko (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Yaguchi Mari (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Ishikawa Rika (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Tsuji Nozomi UP-FRONT CREATE; also under YU-M Entertainment)
Takahashi Ai (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Tanaka Reina (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Michishige Sayumi (J.P ROOM)
Kudo Haruka (UP-FRONT CREATE; in partnership with Just Production)
Iikubo Haruna (UP-FRONT CREATE; in partnership with Just Production)
Sato Masaki (J.P ROOM)

Berryz Koubou
Kumai Yurina (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Natsuyaki Miyabi (UP-FRONT CREATE)

Yajima Maimi (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Nakajima Saki (UP-FRONT CREATE) (Currently Overseas on Study Hiatus)

Katsuta Rina (UP-FRONT CREATE)

Miyazaki Yuka (J.P ROOM)
Miyamoto Karin (J.P ROOM)
Inaba Manaka (J.P ROOM)

Tsubaki Factory
Ogata Risa (J.P ROOM)
Asakura Kiki (J.P ROOM)


Next up, who is still in Up-Front (or affiliated with), but not in M-line. They can still be called in if they value a chunky bonus in their paycheck.

Morning Musume
Fujimoto Miki (UP-FRONT CREATE; in partnership with Just Production)
Kaga Kaede (J.P ROOM)
Morito Chisaki (J.P ROOM) (Currently Overseas on Study Hiatus)

Miyoshi Erika (UP-FRONT AGENCY)

H!P Eggs
Mano Erina (UP-FRONT CREATE; in partnership with Just Production)
Wada Ayaka (UP-FRONT CREATE; also under YU-M Entertainment)
Okada Robin Shoko (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Hashimoto Aina (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Morozuka Kanami (UP-FRONT CREATE)
Sengoku Minami (YU-M Entertainment)
Saho Akari (YU-M Entertainment)
Kikkawa Yuu (YU-M Entertainment)
Takeuchi Akari (J.P ROOM)

And finally I copy pastaed this because it was basically what I had and then lost. :ph34r:
Solarblade wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:28 am
Michiyo Heike - She retired in 2021 so highly unlikely she would return.

Morning Musume

Still active High probability.
Sayaka Ichii
Maki Goto
Asami Konno
Koharu Kusumi
Riho Sayashi
Haruna Ogata

Unknown Status Active online, but little movement in the entertainment world.
Asuka Fukuda
Ai Kago
Makoto Ogawa

Never gonna happen in this life time. They retired and disappeared.
Hitomi Yoshizawa
Eri Kamei
Aika Mitsui
Kanon Suzuki

Country Musume/Girls-Some sort of bastardize version of this could happen. But not many of the girls have remained active. But if Manaka could bring herself to remember her Country roots. That would be super cool.

Coconuts Musume- Ayaka is still active as an actress. But that's it. Everyone else moved on and probably don't think about this part of their life with as much fondness as we do. :hahaha:

Chinatsu Miyoshi- Was active in South Korea up until 2018 I believe. But she's gone radio silent since.

Melon Kinenbi- I think all of them are still active online so, yes, this could happen. I wouldn't mind it happening either.

Yuki Maeda- Recently came out of hiatus and is releasing music again.

Sheki-dol - Bwahaha Yeah, this is never happening. I doubt anyone in H!P now knows these songs. They'd have to be fishing in the bottom of the barrel to find them.

Minimoni - Honestly don't want this to come back unless it's a new version of it.

Aya Matsuura - This is hard. He husband doesn't seem to mind her coming back and actively is trying to. But she doesn't seem willing. Sometimes you just don't love it anymore and I have a feeling Aya just got so burned out that it just wasn't fun anymore for her.

Berryz Kobo - (Those not in UP currently.)
Shimizu Saki - Just got married and retired, so I doubt she'd return unless asked to do so.
Tsugunaga Momoko - No chance in hell. She fell off the face of the earth never to be seen again.
Tokunaga Chinami - Has a kid now. But may be willing if asked nicely. She's active online.
Ishimura Maiha - I doubt she'd want to considering she wasn't in the group for long.
Sugaya Risako - Had many chances but never did. I doubt she wants to return so I'd give it a big fat no.

W - I want it to happen again. I crave it! :suika:

v-u-den - If Yui was down with it, maybe? But she'd not been active for years so I doubt it would happen. But I see a mini reunion in the works this fall. Rika and Erika are performing on the same day. We're gonna get something. I can FEEL it.

Aa!- They have been giving us every version of this since the dawn of Aa! Just replacing one member for another. (Hi Buono!) They were together like a few years ago during the M-Line Wish concert. But they could do it again. Even release a single if they wanted too. All the pieces are there, just put them together again!

C-ute - I doubt we will ever see this unless Okai Chisato and Hagiwara Mai decide to come back. Hagi was clearly struggling at the end and I don't blame her for never wanting to come back on stage and sing. Okai is a sad case of one screw up, ruining your entire life. But unlike Yaguchi, she never got a pass. It's sad. I adored Okai.

Erina Mano - She's active, if she wanted to, she could. But would I want it? No. :hahaha:

S/mileage/Angerme -
Aside from those in UF currently. Fukuda Kanon is active, but seems to gone off the deep end so I don't know how coming back would play out. Tamura Meimi is a high possibility for return, but she's busy with her own activities. Nakanishi Kana could make a return now that Youplus is no more. Murota Mizuki just went on hiatus so that's a no. Everyone else seems to have moved on and disappeared.

Juice=Juice - Tomoko retired so I doubt we will ever see an original lineup again unless she resurfaces.

Kobushi Factory- Shady shit went down with this group so we will probably never see it resurface again. Sorry to say. But those who moved on early, retired and those that moved on at graduation either retired or moved on to bigger and better things.

Tsubaki Factory- All the players are there and active. Except Yumeno. She is a case that I'm curious about. I have a feeling once she leaves we may never see her again and that's a shame because she has an amazing voice. But something is clearly going on in her life that is disturbing her.
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by JPope »

I don't know if M-line has been doing more MKB songs recently, or if I've just recently noticed them doing MKB songs, but that's a group I'd love to see reunite at an H!P concert. I think they're still fairly well beloved among the fan base and they're all still young enough to put on a legitimately great show.
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Shoujo Q
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by Shoujo Q »

A little more in depth Melon on the probability of a reunion.

From high probability to low.
Saito Hitomi - Still is active online and is doing work. Hangs out a lot with Murata.
Murata Megumi - She is active online, but doesn't seem to be doing much. She'd probably be down with doing something.
Otani Masae - She is active online but due to the fact she lost all her money in 2022 and is now basically living off welfare, she'd probably do anything for a paycheck.
Shibata Ayumi - Got married to a baseball player in 2016 and then had a kid. She then retired. There's a very slim chance as the years grow long, but you never know.

They were last together in 2018. So it'd be nice for one last hurrah!
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by JPope »

Shoujo Q wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:30 pm Otani Masae - She is active online but due to the fact she lost all her money in 2022 and is now basically living off welfare, she'd probably do anything for a paycheck.
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Re: What would be the likelihood of reunions!

Post by Shoujo Q »

JPope wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:15 pm
Shoujo Q wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:30 pm In - She is active online but due to the fact she lost all her money in 2022 and is now basically living off welfare, she'd probably do anything for a paycheck.
Yeah. She tried to open a nail salon in Covid times but ended up filing bankruptcy due to defaulting on her loans. Last I saw she was selling stuff she made online for money. She even had an interview about it. She posted on her Twitter about it awhile ago. She even tried to get a part time job at the h!p store.

Found the video of her spilling her tea.
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