[2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by star »

I wish I would have known this was streaming.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by al kusanagi »

I didn't stay up long enough to find the alternate stream, so I'm a little disappointed, but I imagine we'll have it by the end of the day.
Trying to catch up on the news. Looks like Yuko, Reina, and Maimi were all on stage, but I was really hoping for a special Kamei appearance. Also, her graduation dress was an absolute abomination.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Kalle »

Apparently Mizuki is now the leader. Haruna is still co-sub-leader, now joined by Erina.
Also Sayu sprained her ankle midway through the concert but kept going?? Damn girl ; u ;
Last edited by Kalle on Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Farrah »

It was a really, really bad sprain, too.  She spent 99% of the medley standing in place because she couldn't move, you could even see her wincing while she sang.  During the last few songs she sat on the stairs.  Eventually they brought her a pair of sneakers to put on instead of her high heeled boots so she could at least walk around a little.  She also fell down at least once.  She did a great job holding it together despite clearly being in a lot of pain.  The whole thing made watching this graduation concert feel like watching a sports movie where you're rooting for the underdog team to win LOL.
On the upside, Sayumi did lay one on Riho while she still had the chance LOL.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Zoe »

Did anybody catch the actual moment? She seemed fine and then all of a sudden she was dragging her leg before PiPiPi :(
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by al kusanagi »

Workplace sexual harassment has never been so adorable.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Meikochi »

I'm downloading everything.. I was in class when the concert took place x( .
Thanks a lot Al for sharing the link !!
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by bowbow0720 »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
I didn't stay up long enough to find the alternate stream, so I'm a little disappointed, but I imagine we'll have it by the end of the day.
Trying to catch up on the news. Looks like Yuko, Reina, and Maimi were all on stage, but I was really hoping for a special Kamei appearance. Also, her graduation dress was an absolute abomination.
Really! I had great expectation for the graduation dress.I thought Sayu will come up with something pink and something that represents her.
But eversince yossie and Ai I have lost faith in graduation dresses. I still can't find any image of the dress, unless it's so bad that I did not realize that's the dress.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by al kusanagi »

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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Anderei »

I cringed a bit when I saw it.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by rallyleo »

I like how they pretty much just threw a moo moo on Zukki at the end... :facepalm:
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by TicTacAnyone »

Translations by ear live I did this morning:

From Sayumi to fans:
Spoiler: [+]
"Everyone, thank you so much for the Sayu call and pink lights. I will graduate from Morning Musume today. I’m okay! I’ve gotten a grip of myself. Please listen to my thoughts.
2002— my audition. 2003— I passed with the 6ki and joined my beloved MM. I didn’t have anything like “I love singing” or “I’m good at dancing.” I joined with a love of Morning Musume. And I’ve experienced so much over these 10 years. I've danced, sung (although I didn’t do a lot of that today), and done many other things. It was so fun. When I had no parts in the Cinderella play, I wondered if I was needed. But I’ve always loved Morning Musume. I’ve tried very hard and worked really persistently, but I’ve realized something… Morning Musume has taught me a lot. Recently, I became leader. Even after becoming leader there were some faults… and some crazy times. But you all were supporting me with your love that time, right? There are tons of my fans who are kind of weird. I always think how funny it is that there’s so many odd people gathered. You’ve always supported me. When I couldn’t do things…Even though today I couldn’t do anything… You don’t usually suport an idol like me, right? But those sort of weird fans, during sunny days, rainy days, typhoons, you’ve always supported me. Given me courage. Power. Kindness. Strength. confidence. And love. I’m so glad ot have met all you. Thanks for looking over me. I found my meaning after meeting everyone and joining Morning Musume. I was born to join this group. So glad to have met you all…  thanks all you weirdos!

And to the members. Did you realize? There’s not anyone from my time, but I’m here with the 9ki 10ki and 11ki. I’ve been harsh sometimes with you. But you all said you love me. My kohai are the best right now, I think. I want you all to try harder. I’ll be watching over you. And also, I said I wanted to show my kohais a different view in interviews and videos… It was this view. For me to graduate and stand here with everyone.. I want them all to see this scenery. And even bigger and better things. When you see it, just know I will be there with you.

Lastly, to everyone. Up until now, thank you very much.”
9ki to Sayumi:
Spoiler: [+]
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Kanon: ” Congratulations on your graduation. I’ve realized you’ve taught me so much. I’ve grown every day. I finally have my character. I think these good feelings are because of you. I will work so you will be a fan of the new Morning Musume. Congrats, I love you”

Riho: “Congratulations on your graduation. I’ve learned to like people because of you. I’ve always thought you were cool and you’ve made me feel like a young girl. I thought i have to grow up or get a character… but you always helped me out. We will get a firm hold on the new MM. Today I will tell you straight out how I feel— I love love love you!”
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Sayu drops to the ground again. Either her injury or crying. Guessing crying. Crowd begins their sayu call again.

Erina: “Congratulations. When I saw your character after a while I thought “this isn’t such a bad character.” I’ll do my best as sub-leader.” “Ganbatte.” “Ganba—?” (expecting a Ganba-ikuta) “Ganbatte.”

Mizuki: “Congratulations. My happy memories are the times I’ve been next to you. They’ve all been good memories. It will be so lonely without you… But because we’ve sung together, I’ve grown. Because I’ve been by your side, I’ve grown. Up until now you’ve been a very amazing leader. But I won’t lose with my love of Morning Musume. I’ve really grasped these feelings. So please graduate with pride. I’ll be okay. Congratulations.”
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Stream got cut off at Sakura's and beginning of Haruka's-- 10ki
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">
Spoiler: [+]
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Haruka: “You’d always call me over. It made me very happy. I’ll make sure to pass on what you taught me to the 12ki. I love you, Michishige.”

Maa-chan: “Congratulations. When we first talked I thought you were scary. But now you’re like my big sister. I’d always come up to you asking “help meee.” I’ll make sure to keep on the biiig love you have for MM 15. Congra-con-congratulations on your graduation.”

Ayumi: “Congratulations on you graduation. I had lots of fun together. To me you’re always laughing and smiling, so… please smile! *laughs* I have lots of memories of us hugging and holding hands. I don’t have any bad memories. I believe if I think of these are unforgettable memories, I will remember and cherish them forever.”

Haruna: “I really wanted to become you. You’ve always taught me to have confidence in myself. You’ve helped me. So I’ll work my hardest to catch up to you. I love you!”
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">12ki to Sayumi:
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">
Spoiler: [+]
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Akane: “Congratulations on your graduation. I want to become a presence similar to what you have.” “Thanks, is it okay if we hug?” 

Maria: ” Congrats. Thank you for all you have done. I really really really love you a lot.” “Thanks, thanks Maria.”

Miki: “I want to become like you. Thanks for all you have done. The typhoon was tears for you.”

Haruna: “It’s sad we couldn’t do much. But getting to do this tour with you made me very happy. Congratulations on your graduation.”
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Leader announcements:
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">"Even though I might be the most unreliable leader, I’ve got more confidence than my seniors. Just like Sayumi has done. Please take care of me."- Mizuki
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">"I’ll be continuing on with what I’ve been doing—supporting the members." -Haruna
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">"Although some are thinking ‘are you serious?’ It’s a reality now!" -Erina
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Sayumi kissed Riho again during Kare no… Enough that it messed up Riho’s line! Sayashi then ran off and giggled.
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">"Everyone…. I’ve done it! To kiss Rihoriho in front of everyone… It was so great! Sorry to worry anyone who thought I didn’t like her as much ;) "
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;"> 
<p style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;font-size:11px;">Sayu asked to have the lights turned off as she dropped to the ground to cry before messages.
<div style="color:rgb(96,96,96);font-family:Arial;">
<div> </div>
Last edited by TicTacAnyone on Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Kalle »

[quote="Al Kusanagi"]
Here's a Youtube playlist of the whole concert, but I don't imagine it will last long.

Yeah it's gone. I was going to watch it but then I got called out for errands and I missed it :(
The skirt part of Sayu's dress doesn't bother me as much as the top. It's so formless and ill-fitting ...
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by star »

That dress is an abomination.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Derby »

I was expecting Haruna to be leader, but I hope Mizuki improves her leadership skills (just like sayu did) and shuts everyone's mouths
I understand Mizuki and Haruna both becoming sub-leaders 1 and a half years ago, but I don't get why they need 2 sub-leaders again...
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Noa »

They would never upset the seniority balance and make Haruna leader. And honestly Mizuki is a lot like Ai, she'll be more of the behind the scenes and Haruna will be the Gaki and do the talking.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Derby »

Did anybody catch the actual moment? She seemed fine and then all of a sudden she was dragging her leg before PiPiPi :(
I think it was during Renai Hunter's chorus. There is this dance move where they are jumping in circles, she did jump for the first move but for the second she was just walking. And during the dance break she's already touching/checking her boots
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by pandapanda »

I finally got to watch the medley. :cryalot:
I was looking for the injury the whole time, and when it happened I just couldn't handle it.  It might sound weird, but I loved when the other girls ran to the center but Sayu was left behind.  The girls shined on their own, no need for Sayu to be there.  They adapted, and MM is going to continue strong even without her :cryalot:  
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by arcobaleno »

My favorite moment was definitely when Mizuki ran back to Sayu to start Suki da na Kimi ga. The gratitude in Sayu's eyes was so palpable, it really moved me.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by ShiroiChanUK »

For some reason my download stopped at just over 4GB. I have more than enough space on my computer so I don't know what happened :(
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by kira »

My favorite moment was definitely when Mizuki ran back to Sayu to start Suki da na Kimi ga. The gratitude in Sayu's eyes was so palpable, it really moved me.
Incidentally I just read a translation about that on tumblr. I'm not sure if it's ok to repost the translation so I'll just link it (it's the first part).
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Anderei »

Full concert
Fair warning, though, it IS from tudou.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by JPope »

Good god, Sayumi Fucking Michishige. I've watched this twice now and I'm just shaking my head at the guts and professionalism on display. This was Kerri Strug in 1996 or Isiah Thomas in 1988 level willpower, determination and leadership. (Google it, youngins!) This will go down as the most legendary Morning Musume concert ever, not because of any performance -- it wasn't very good from a purely musical perspective -- but seeing Sayu dancing on a bad twig for over an hour, clearly in pain, and smiling damn near the entire time was fucking epic. If there was still anyone who doubted her leadership, this pretty much answered it. Watching her walk back to the stage during "Mikaeri Bijin" I couldn't help but think of how unlikely this moment would have been to imagine even three years ago, much less eleven years ago. Mizuki breaking formation and running back to sing "Suki da na kimi ga" with her was touching, and also the act of a leader. I'm really going to miss Sayu, which up until two years ago is something I never thought I'd ever say.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Noa »

Being in China is great, Tudou works so well here
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by yuzuriha »

Good god, Sayumi Fucking Michishige. I've watched this twice now and I'm just shaking my head at the guts and professionalism on display. This was Kerri Strug in 1996 or Isiah Thomas in 1988 level willpower, determination and leadership. (Google it, youngins!) This will go down as the most legendary Morning Musume concert ever, not because of any performance -- it wasn't very good from a purely musical perspective -- but seeing Sayu dancing on a bad twig for over an hour, clearly in pain, and smiling damn near the entire time was fucking epic. If there was still anyone who doubted her leadership, this pretty much answered it. Watching her walk back to the stage during "Mikaeri Bijin" I couldn't help but think of how unlikely this moment would have been to imagine even three years ago, much less eleven years ago. Mizuki breaking formation and running back to sing "Suki da na kimi ga" with her was touching, and also the act of a leader. I'm really going to miss Sayu, which up until two years ago is something I never thought I'd ever say.
You took the words right out of my mouth.  100%.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Madara »

Some of the New York crew had a Karaoke session yesterday in honor of Sayumi's graduation. Some of the girls did songs associated with Sayu, including "Lalalala no Pipipipi" and a Christmas song she did with Koharu once upon a time that I'd never heard before but sounded really nice. We mostly did Morning Musume songs. I was the only MM-BBS-er there.
Anyone know if that Christmas song is on any of the albums?
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Meikochi »

Some of the New York crew had a Karaoke session yesterday in honor of Sayumi's graduation. Some of the girls did songs associated with Sayu, including "Lalalala no Pipipipi" and a Christmas song she did with Koharu once upon a time that I'd never heard before but sounded really nice. We mostly did Morning Musume songs. I was the only MM-BBS-er there.
Anyone know if that Christmas song is on any of the albums?
It sounds fun !
The song is "Wa~ MERRY Pin Xmas!", from 7.5 Fuyu Fuyu Morning Musume Mini!
Here is the first live and here is the 2013 live with Sayu and members randomly chosen. This song is lovely :3.

Last edited by Meikochi on Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2015.02.11] Morning Musume '14 Concert Tour Fall GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Special Commemoration Graduation~

Post by Madara »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Madara" data-cid="182307" data-time="1417948784">
Some of the New York crew had a Karaoke session yesterday in honor of Sayumi's graduation. Some of the girls did songs associated with Sayu, including "Lalalala no Pipipipi" and a Christmas song she did with Koharu once upon a time that I'd never heard before but sounded really nice. We mostly did Morning Musume songs. I was the only MM-BBS-er there.
Anyone know if that Christmas song is on any of the albums?
It sounds fun !
The song is "Wa~ MERRY Pin Xmas!", from 7.5 Fuyu Fuyu Morning Musume Mini!
Here is the first live and here is the 2013 live with Sayu and members randomly chosen. This song is lovely :3.

Thanks for that link, Meikochi. What a delightful performance. Since it was from the Fall 2006 concert tour, I checked the tracklist for that DVD to see if it was on there and it is, so I have seen it before. I just haven't watched it since 2007. (I have such a backlog of stuff to RE-watch.)
We even had a cake for Sayumi at yesterday's Karaoke session. I will post pictures when I finish loading and transferring them.
P.S. On Dec. 14, I posted pix and video of the Karaoke session in the thread entitled, Morning Musume to Hold Concert on 10/5 in NEW YORK CITY! Booyah!.
Last edited by Madara on Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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