Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

The people who are fans of idols and here for them.
As a disclaimer, I am not a fan of idols (I hate idols, actually), or idol music (eugh). I only like and am here for H!P.
I think you're overestimating how many people would follow idol groups that don't sing or record original music. In fact, if that was even possible, idol companies would have ditched the music completely years ago, because the music side is probably the single greatest expense an idol company incurs.
So why do they do it? Why put so many resources into creating, recording and promoting original music if it's such a minor part of the "idol experience"? They could save money by just farming the music out to amateurs on the cheap if the music was so meaningless in grand scheme of things.
And yet they don't. They still hire established pros to produce their music despite the high cost of doing so. 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Shoujo Q »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="203239" data-time="1481578636">
The people who are fans of idols and here for them.

As a disclaimer, I am not a fan of idols (I hate idols, actually), or idol music (eugh). I only like and am here for H!P.</blockquote>

I'm with you on this. I've tried other idol groups but I always come back to H!P.

People gravitate to idol groups for different reasons. But thanks to the 48s, idols are now more about performances and pleasing their legion of wota and less about the music. Overall the J-Pop scene seems really stale. But that's just my personal opinion. At least with H!P they are always trying something different. Hit or Miss. They always surprise me.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by MejraThea »

[quote="Shoujo Q"]
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="203239" data-time="1481578636">
TAs a disclaimer, I am not a fan of idols (I hate idols, actually), or idol music (eugh). I only like and am here for H!P.

I'm with you on this. I've tried other idol groups but I always come back to H!P.

People gravitate to idol groups for different reasons. But thanks to the 48s, idols are now more about performances and pleasing their legion of wota and less about the music. Overall the J-Pop scene seems really stale. But that's just my personal opinion. At least with H!P they are always trying something different. Hit or Miss. They always surprise me.
I thought you would be, Q!
I definitely agree with everything you said, though.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by TicTacAnyone »

I mean, I would rather have good singers than members with personality but ideally if they can't sing then they should at least be entertaining LOL.  Until 8th gen, that was pretty much the modus operandi - almost every shitty singer in the group became known for her variety skills or personality (Nono, Rika, Sayu, even Koharu even though I could not stand her).  None of the recent useless additions have measured up to any of those girls at all imo.  
Moreover, it's a shame that even girls who seemingly have personality are managing to have every drop of it sucked out of them shortly after joining the group.  I hate this honor student image MM seems to have taken on - if you're going to be boring, be talented and if you're not going to be talented, you better not be boring!  Masaki's addition to the group gave me so much hope but she has been effectively silenced at this point - and whether you like her or not, that wouldn't have happened back in the day so it's just a damn shame.  
Look at Yaguchi, someone who was known for being an uncouth loudmouth but turned that into a lovable legendary character.  Masaki never even had the chance to shape those sort of undesirable qualities into something endearing because she was banned from speaking during appearances shortly after joining the group!  And we've all seen how boring Ogata has become... so the cycle just repeats.  Boring, bland, untalented, boring, bland, untalented, over and over and over and every time you see a hint of light at the end of the tunnel, they make sure to snuff it out LOL very frustrating!
This, word for word, is everything I feel about idols/H!P in a nutshell... And you worded it so well  :cryalot:
The 13th gen announcement was a double whammy for me here; not only did Ruru not get in, but Kaga did. I'll admit, I'm a bit sour. More than anything I'm just worried Ruru will leave KSS... Everyone knows she's more suited to solo work, and if H!P was smart they'd at least put her to use somehow. She often has the teachers of KSS or other H!P members acknowledge her talent... So why not actually use and develop it more?
Her plan was to join a group in H!P and then move on to solo work... Honestly if they don't debut her at some point they literally just wasted her time, which is tough since she actually has talent and clear goals
I have nothing against Reina, as I know nothing about her. She literally just joined KSS. But I'm probably not gonna be much into MM from here on unless something changes. Kobushi and ANGERME it is =/
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by showraniy »

I feel sick and such, so forgive me for glossing on over points made by others (all good ones, I may add), but I'm with Farrah and Jpope. I could never get into the 48s because their main music is not to my taste. They have better subunit songs and more hidden material, but the singles were just too boring and uninspired for me to ever get into. AKB is the best fandom to be in for personality and variety right now, but it's the music that I need in order to like a group. Everything else is just icing on the cake, but I need the cake way more than the icing.

MM needs personality and singing talent right now, especially since there are better songs being produced for them now than there were in the Golden Era (I said it! Fight me!). They've got "pretty girl" covered. Now they need the rest to be a well-rounded, formidable force in the idol scene again.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

Her plan was to join a group in H!P and then move on to solo work... Honestly if they don't debut her at some point they literally just wasted her time, which is tough since she actually has talent and clear goals
Her time and her money!  Let us not forget that KSS have to pay a tuition fee now.  They stopped being so much about holding auditions and have become more of a for-profit talent school.  They make money holding events that wota pay to attend to see girls they likely have no intentions of actually debuting.  I honestly think it's kind of a scam LOL.  At least back when it was still the Egg program, if a girl got sidelined and never debuted, it didn't mean her family had wasted thousands of dollars over the years or anything.  It kinda sucks!  I know the tuition isn't that high but at this point I think they keep around girls who they have no intentions of debuting purely to make money off of their wota.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Mukuro »

Okay I've thought about it, and I'm really happy with both additions now. My only gripe is that Kaga looks much cuter with longer hair.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by mrsross »

Thoughts on the 13 gen: It's weird to see a two-person generation where we had times where we had one, three, and four people being added to the group at a time. I'm expecting them to pull a reverse 8th gen and add another girl at a later time. Also, I had a feeling they weren't going to add Ruru in so I can't be mad at that. They must be saving her for something or maybe she wants to pull a Kikka and be a soloist in Up Front, which is a possibility too. I'm cool with Kaga being added in and I want to see what Reina's about. Also do you think she'll eventually style her hair like the other Reina?
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="203264" data-time="1481595136"><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="TicTacAnyone" data-cid="203248" data-time="1481585451">
Her plan was to join a group in H!P and then move on to solo work... Honestly if they don't debut her at some point they literally just wasted her time, which is tough since she actually has talent and clear goals.</blockquote>

Her time and her money! Let us not forget that KSS have to pay a tuition fee now. They stopped being so much about holding auditions and have become more of a for-profit talent school. They make money holding events that wota pay to attend to see girls they likely have no intentions of actually debuting. I honestly think it's kind of a scam LOL. At least back when it was still the Egg program, if a girl got sidelined and never debuted, it didn't mean her family had wasted thousands of dollars over the years or anything. It kinda sucks! I know the tuition isn't that high but at this point I think they keep around girls who they have no intentions of debuting purely to make money off of their wota.</blockquote>

I've actually seen people say they got rid of the fee. Plus it was dirt cheap, much cheaper than a real school would have cost. And most of these girls come from well off families anyway. Its not like they go in guaranteed a debut. Everyone knows what they're signing up for.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

I've actually seen people say they got rid of the fee. Plus it was dirt cheap, much cheaper than a real school would have cost. And most of these girls come from well off families anyway. Its not like they go in guaranteed a debut. Everyone knows what they're signing up for.
Eh, I'd argue against someone in the age range of most these girls fully understanding what they're signing up for - they're children.  And I'm aware that the fee is low, I even mentioned it in my post - I just think it sucks that they likely keep around many girls to turn a profit from while knowingly having no place for them in the company.  After all, they invest basically no money into the KSS which is part of why the program is so cheap.  

A lot of these girls will be "too old" (ie no longer loli) by the time they realize they never really had a chance and very little opportunity for success as an idol.  Some of them very obviously do not suit to any groups H!P has debuted recently and yet they haven't cut them loose.  I can not honestly see Ruru being put in any H!P group at all or having one structured around her, so she has basically wasted three and a half years that she could've been auditioning elsewhere or developing her skills with trainers that actually know how to foster talent LOL she's not the only one in that position either.  It's just very depressing to me to see talent and charisma repeatedly being wasted.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

What's the likelihood that they're saving Ruru for ANGERME? Because I'd be cool with that, too. You know Wada is probably gonna graduate in 2017, and if the idea of that group as a "vocal powerhouse" is correct, it would make more sense for her to go there than MM, anyway.
Also, Ruru might want to be a solo idol, but A) she's probably not good enough a singer to pull that off, and B) solo idols don't really exist like they used to. And for one to really break through that reality, she'd have to be a complete package of voice, looks and personality, which by all accounts, Ru is not. 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by sayu1991 »

Honestly, that's probably where I'd be happiest to see Ruru outside of solo work. Angerme actually allows for fairly even line and screen time distribution, doesn't wreck it's members' voices, and doesn't suck the soul and personality out of every member like certain other groups who shall remain nameless.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Shoujo Q »

Has anyone ever considered Ruru's problem isn't her vocals, it her stage presence? I've seen a lot of people who follow the KSS state that, while Ruru is a great singer, she's a cardboard box when it comes to appeal. If that's true, I can kind of see why she wasn't added. I love Sakura to bits but the girls very vanilla when it comes to appeal. I'd probably say the same of Ruru. Too much vanilla isn't a good thing. In an idol group you need the perfect combination of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. It's a balancing act really.

From the news clip I saw of their 2nd MC with Haruna and Mizuki it's clear Reina's clearly got your attention. With a little work she might overtake Maria which in turn would push Maria and perhaps the other girls (of 12th gen) to work harder. Oh, and Reina looks a lot like Eri with a sprinkling of Duu. Mostly when she smiles. It's not a bad combo I to have.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Madara »

It's nice to see an extended, passionate, thoughtful discussion with multiple paragraph posts on this board again. MM should sign up new generations more often! :D/
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by WonderBuono »

Interview with Up-Front Link, in which Reina confirms she joined KSS after failing a Momusu audition.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by MejraThea »

It's nice to see an extended, passionate, thoughtful discussion with multiple paragraph posts on this board again. MM should sign up new generations more often! :D/
I was thinking the same, Madara! We had 18 people on (12 not counting guests), activity we haven't had in years! It was so weird and refreshing, having posts come up while you're writing a post. 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Arichii »

Hello! I've been on Hello project hiatus for a few years, and I've recently been getting back into things, learning the new Angerme members/12th gen. And now the 13th generation! I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask, but does anyone have links to any performances of Kaga Kaede? I don't follow the Kenshuusei much but I'd like to learn more about her before I make any judgements of whether she's good for 13th gen or not (asking only about Kaede because I know there's not much on Reina atm lol). 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="arcobaleno" data-cid="203230" data-time="1481576492">
And lastly, it's because I have the right to share my own opinion on others' opinions. Just like you did. Don't act like you're on some high horse when you're doing the exact same thing I am.
Dude, I was defending my position which was in no way attacking anyone else's opinion, and yet you felt the need to attack anyway.
I'm not going to respond in depth much more because the day we ever understand each other will be when hell freezes over, but while I got mad at you, undeniably, hence the dramatic italic, I still firmly stand by, budging not one bit, that I didn't attack you in any way whatsoever.
We're sharing our opinion. I made a point of telling you I disagree with how the idol scene is. Why am I discussing your opinion so much? Because, well, frankly? It's completely wrong. It's great to have an opinion on how things should and could be, but things are what they are regardless, and you and Farrah seem to have a huge problem seeing this. All you go on about is how it SHOULD be and who disagrees with you? No one. I've made it more than abundantly clear I agree with what you and Farrah say, that talent and idols are not mutually exclusive.
Why are you getting so thin-skinned and defensive yourself? When you, Farrah and I have our roundabout discussions on singing, where you two make it clear you think my own opinion is wrong and "fundamentally disagree", you don't see me accusing people of attacking me.
Yeah, it hurts to have your closely held feelings be endangered but it's a part of life and discussions.
However, in regards to idols and talent, the actual country that these idols come from, Japan, does NOT see it that way. Maybe we can blame AKB48 and their 6.66 million horrible singers for this, but the prevailing attitude in Japan itself in regards to idols is "if they're cute and funny, talent comes last." Yeah, is it a attitude I like? Not really, but I don't fault them. Everyone wants something different.
However, I do fault your attitude because you're denying this reality and latching onto your "opinion" that you see as total fact, just like you always do, refusing to hear anyone else's opinion, and continuously saying things SHOULD be this way or that. They should, but it's going to be a very long time before the cultural shift off of personality and cuteness and shit goes back to talent.
Idols, nowadays, are solely about making their fans happy via their looks and personality. That's the sole truth of the matter.
Why is music a thing, though? It's an easy question to answer, and I'm talking to you, Farrah, here. They sell live tickets so they can see their idols live. As much as Japan is "weird", there's really no other venue they could do this without making some "Let's touch idol-chan" booth or something ridiculously creepy.
The music is also usually made for getting you pumped up. Idol songs are renowned for being sugary bombs of diabetes. It's another aspect of their "let me heal you!" motive.
They sell live tickets so the fans of these idols, whether for the music or the girls, can go see them live, for the music, or for the girls. It's very simple.
Idols and talent do not have to be mutually exclusive. I agree with this 100%. But the undeniable truth right in front of your own eyes is that it commonly is. And until you realize this, which is not an opinion, mind you, I will continue to "attack" you because I'm sick of the same old carbon-copy complaints regarding how H!P has become an idol company when you don't even understand how idols work in these modern times.
What's the point of continuing to say "Ugh I wish they'd have talent, idols can be talented!!!" and then getting disappointed over and over when the truth that talent matters little in 99% of idol groups shows its face and a cute girl with shitty singing/dancing/both is selected over Talented Goddess #1853?
Last edited by arcobaleno on Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by MejraThea »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ari" data-cid="203286" data-time="1481655144">Hello! I've been on Hello project hiatus for a few years, and I've recently been getting back into things, learning the new Angerme members/12th gen. And now the 13th generation! I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask, but does anyone have links to any performances of Kaga Kaede? I don't follow the Kenshuusei much but I'd like to learn more about her before I make any judgements of whether she's good for 13th gen or not (asking only about Kaede because I know there's not much on Reina atm lol).</blockquote>
Hello, Ari! Welcome back. :) There is!
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="TicTacAnyone" data-cid="203176" data-time="1481538088">Kaga singing:
2016 recital digest
2015 recital digest
2014 recital digest</blockquote>
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

What's the point of continuing to say "Ugh I wish they'd have talent, idols can be talented!!!" and then getting disappointed over and over when the truth that talent matters little in 99% of idol groups shows its face and a cute girl with shitty singing/dancing/both is selected over Talented Goddess #1853?
I mean, likewise I would follow this up to say "What's the point of complaining about people complaining?" but here we are LOL.  I also do not feel like I have ever told you any of your opinions are wrong (what with opinions being subjective anyway) but if I ever have come across that way I apologize, it has never been my intention!
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="arcobaleno" data-cid="203287" data-time="1481655442">
What's the point of continuing to say "Ugh I wish they'd have talent, idols can be talented!!!" and then getting disappointed over and over when the truth that talent matters little in 99% of idol groups shows its face and a cute girl with shitty singing/dancing/both is selected over Talented Goddess #1853?
I mean, likewise I would follow this up to say "What's the point of complaining about people complaining?" but here we are LOL.  I also do not feel like I have ever told you any of your opinions are wrong (what with opinions being subjective anyway) but if I ever have come across that way I apologize, it has never been my intention!
No worries, Farrah! I've never felt that way, I just enjoy sharing and discussing opinions, even if they disagree. It's fascinating to see how we all think, after all.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="203274" data-time="1481614934">
What's the likelihood that they're saving Ruru for ANGERME? Because I'd be cool with that, too. You know Wada is probably gonna graduate in 2017, and if the idea of that group as a "vocal powerhouse" is correct, it would make more sense for her to go there than MM, anyway.

Also, Ruru might want to be a solo idol, but A) she's probably not good enough a singer to pull that off, and B) solo idols don't really exist like they used to. And for one to really break through that reality, she'd have to be a complete package of voice, looks and personality, which by all accounts, Ru is not.</blockquote>

Beats me but I don't really want her in Angerme.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by TicTacAnyone »

In her original KSS interview, Ruru said she wanted to join MM... but that she would be okay even if it was another H!P group because it's something Tsunku still acknowledged. 
From what I could understand, her goal was to debut in H!P and then move on to a solo artist career, not one of a solo idol. So while she may be a solo idol in H!P (though unlikely), she wants to move on to more serious work after her work at H!P. Which is pretty obvious from all the ballads she's sung throughout her career both before and with H!P.
I'm biased, so I don't see her as bland myself but I can see that perception of her. But then with a number of KSS you don't see their personality fully till they debut (such as weirdo Aikawa or a more reserved Kudou.) Kaga may even surprise me after her debut and I may like her. Their character is developed x10 more once they debut, so I see that as less of an issue than their stage presence, performance standard and MC skills. Even someone like Ichioka Reina who's now been in the longest still doesn't have a strong character for me.
What I'm holding out for now is a new group with all of the older KSS in a T&C or Melon Kinenbi-like move. That would be Ichioka Reina, Horie Kizuki, Takase Kurumi, Inoue Hikaru and Danbara Ruru. IMO it's the best idea, but then there'd be no seniors in KSS. And I don't think the company is that smart. That would be a power group.
Oh wellllllll
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Elpis »

At this point, I think I'd want to see Ruru in Angerme more. They are doing fairly okay vocally but they did lose Meimi so I could see Ruru getting added at some point to sort of fill her role. Although since they like adding people after members graduate we'd have to wait for someone to leave which could end up being a bit.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

Can someone name the last member of an idol group that had success as a "serious" artist? I'm not being totally sarcastic, because I don't know. I know there are examples of this from 15+ years ago, but has this happened in, say, the last five years?
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by GaleKakumei »

Isn't there Hashimoto Kanna from like Rev from DVL or something? (ohp nvm)
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

There haven't been many in awhile - Miori from SweetS had a band where she was basically the entire face of the group (ie practically a solo artist), but they recently broke up.  A few girls in AKB et al have had successful solo activities but only while remaining a member of the group.
I do wonder, though,  if the lack of idols with successful solo careers to make an example of is because no one does it anymore.  There aren't a bunch of recent failed solo debuts to point at - it's  as if the whole concept of "solo idol" been shelved. They either debut in a group and then do a solo side project while remaining a member, or they quit and go on to try and do something like acting, gravure or variety.
I think they're better off debuting as straight-up solo artists rather than solo idols these days but you don't see much of that either.  Mostly... you see a lot of girls disappearing LOL.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Purin-chama »

There haven't been many in awhile - Miori from SweetS had a band where she was basically the entire face of the group (ie practically a solo artist), but they recently broke up.  A few girls in AKB et al have had successful solo activities but only while remaining a member of the group.
:o Miori was my favorite... I did not know this!!!
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by momoirosaya »

You know, I like Yokoyama. She's really cute. She probably can't sing well, but at least Kaede should help make up for the train wreck that is 12th gen. I really wish Tsunku was still picking the girls :/
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

There haven't been many in awhile - Miori from SweetS had a band where she was basically the entire face of the group (ie practically a solo artist), but they recently broke up.  A few girls in AKB et al have had successful solo activities but only while remaining a member of the group.
I do wonder, though,  if the lack of idols with successful solo careers to make an example of is because no one does it anymore.  There aren't a bunch of recent failed solo debuts to point at - it's  as if the whole concept of "solo idol" been shelved. They either debut in a group and then do a solo side project while remaining a member, or they quit and go on to try and do something like acting, gravure or variety.
I think they're better off debuting as straight-up solo artists rather than solo idols these days but you don't see much of that either.  Mostly... you see a lot of girls disappearing LOL.
I think part of the problem is that a solo idol needs the talent and maturity to be able to handle everything on her own, and Japan likes their idols quite young these days. I mean, the moment a girl reaches 20 we all start speculating about their impending graduation and, usually, what non-musical career they will transition into. 
As much as I like Ruru for MM (or even ANGERME), I don't think she's talented enough to be a solo "artist".
I really wish Tsunku was still picking the girls :/
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