H!P 18 New Member Audition!

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by Revangelis »

Really, UFA, just really? This is such bull, soon they'll have a situation, where nobody cares about their auditions, in their hands. Then what are they gonna do?
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by mrsross »

This is kinda dumb and what's the frustrating part is that they'll put some of the girls in KKS and eventually debut them in a few months. They could hold off announcements or say that so-and-so passed and keep things underwraps until they debut like how they did with Lin/Jun, 9th, and 10th gen until then instead of acting like they couldn't find anybody. This is like tiring.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by momoirosaya »

Well they do have an hour special coming up. I wonder if they’re planning to announce Reina’s group then. If not then, definitely has to be at the first Winter Hello Con.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by JPope »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Saya" data-cid="211354" data-time="1512396718">
So the results were announced today. No one passed.
It's like they want people to stop giving a damn altogether.

I'm pretty much there. I haven't listened to any of the new releases starting with the latest MM single, and have gone several days in a row not even bothering to check in here. I even forgot about the BBS project mixing I have to do. As much of a high as 2016 was for me, 2017 has been a complete waste. I knew it'd probably be disappointing, but outside of the new J=J, Tsubaki's single and the return of the Original 5, I just don't care anymore. This audition ending with nothing sums up the year perfectly. I haven't cared this little about H!P since 2008 - 2012, and there's no Buono! to keep me tethered to H!P this time. I suppose J=J is close, but they're not gonna get anywhere near the number of releases or great music Buono! got, so it's not much to hang on to.
In the span of one year, I've gone from riding the high of the release of my favorite H!P single ever to just not caring much what the hell goes on anymore.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by aine »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="211395" data-time="1512534246">I haven't listened to any of the new releases starting with the latest MM single, and have gone several days in a row not even bothering to check in here. I even forgot about the BBS project mixing I have to do.
I haven't cared this little about H!P since 2008 - 2012, and there's no Buono! to keep me tethered to H!P this time.
In the span of one year, I've gone from riding the high of the release of my favorite H!P single ever to just not caring much what the hell goes on anymore.</blockquote>This is what I'm most sad and disappointed about, the community slowly fizzling out between the dearth of new music and the streak of management decision that are nothing short of insulting to the fans, aka the paying customers.

The last time we had a similar crisis, with AKB going through it's original explosion of popularity and people jumping ship en masse (most notably DS who went on to create his AKB-centric forum and handed the BBS down), it feels like the good old time compared to now. We've talked about the death of Hellopro for years, but I wonder how much worse it could really get.

I like Yuzu's idea of an abusive relationship, I've sworn my loyalty to MM and H!P in general and Fox God help me I've been putting up with all the bullshit so far even though the relationship has been completely burned out lately. I'm not about to jump ship just yet, but it's obvious my heart has been mostly somewhere else for a while. I'm disappointed by that because Hellopro has been my gateway (and for the longest time the only) drug into the wonderful world of Japanese entertainment.

But I'm mostly sad about people drifting away from the BBS. I guess it can't compete with facebook and others as the casual place to hang out and chit chat (and for a long time I've been adamantly against it becoming one), but it's hard to keep people hooked up here when its foundation and main reason for existence is the burned out husk that it is right now.

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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by momoirosaya »

I guess understand why no one passed though. The level of H!P is a lot higher than it used to be, and adding girls straight from auditions is a gamble.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by yuzuriha »

I've left this relationship for years at a time but I always keep coming back.  I was so hopeful after 13th gen was added that that was the spark that would draw me in and make things exciting again in a post berryz world, but after 13th gen's first single it just kind of fell flat. I'm hoping they'll have more 20th anniversary stuff over the next year to keep my interest but I'm just not as invested anymore.  Not pulling this "no one passes" shit again and in a super predictable way would have been a good start though.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by al kusanagi »

I mean, it was billed as the HP 18 audition, not the "We're definitely adding new members to Morning Musume" audition. All the ones who were taken on as trainees "passed" the audition. The idea of coming off the street and straight into an HP group ended years ago.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by aine »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Al Kusanagi" data-cid="211416" data-time="1512580391">I mean, it was billed as the HP 18 audition, not the "We're definitely adding new members to Morning Musume" audition. All the ones who were taken on as trainees "passed" the audition. The idea of coming off the street and straight into an HP group ended years ago.</blockquote>The problem with that is that this is absolutely uninteresting. So wow, someone passed the recruitment to what's basically a glorified vocal and dance school, big deal. Nobody cared about Actor's School Hiroshima until some of their graduates became big hits. UF seems to be doing the same now except in reverse where they slowly fade into obscurity.
Last edited by aine on Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="yuzu" data-cid="211415" data-time="1512580374">
I've left this relationship for years at a time but I always keep coming back. I was so hopeful after 13th gen was added that that was the spark that would draw me in and make things exciting again in a post berryz world, but after 13th gen's first single it just kind of fell flat. I'm hoping they'll have more 20th anniversary stuff over the next year to keep my interest but I'm just not as invested anymore. Not pulling this "no one passes" shit again and in a super predictable way would have been a good start though.</blockquote>
Yeah, and it looks like it only took one single for them to decide Kaede needed to be thrown to the back.

If they were just gonna offer kenshuusei invites they shouldn't have done this at all, because they have an audition for that going. This just felt like a way to try and pick up girls who wouldn't have gone for that audition by tempting them with the possibly of instant debuts.
Last edited by Anderei on Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by Mukuro »

For those interested AmebaTv put up the final audition on their youtube channel.
I kind of understand why none of them made it. I wasn't impressed really by anyones performance.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by momoirosaya »

Looks like Shion, Momoko, and Sayaka all decided to become KSS too and were announced at the 12/10 concert. So Mai is still the only one that didn't join.
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Re: H!P 18 New Member Audition!

Post by Farrah »

Yeah, I think the main reason everyone is pissed is that there's already a KSS audition going on, and no one cares about those, so this was cool and exciting because we don't get H!P auditions anymore... and in the end it basically just turned into another KSS audition LOL.  
I honestly can't even begin to understand what goes into an H!P audition now that talent is not even a small pre-requisite LOL.  Like, I don't know how they choose Cute Moeblob A over Cute Moeblob B.  We have entire groups full of members that suck at singing, dancing AND performing (hi, Tsubaki - good songs, shitty members) so I just... don't really know what the criteria is LOL. 
None of these girls were very talented but neither is 90% of H!P, so it seems like at least one or two of these girls could've met the bar.  Oh well.
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