Your 2008 Game of the Year

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Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by sadude »

I'm trying to remember what games I played that came out last year. <img src=' ... cratch.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dammit:' /> There was GTA4, which was good but not GOTY material. There was Rock Band 2, which was awesome but is now a franchise and doesn't deserve GOTY. Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were good, but didn't bring much that was new to the table. I think there were three other games that I played that came out last year, which consist of my top 3:

3) Rhythm Tengoku Gold: A worthy sequel to what I (and AEUG) think is the best GBA game ever, the original Rhythm Tengoku. Fun minigames, though I haven't played it in a while. I remember liking the original one better, even though Gold is way bigger. Maybe it's just fuzzy memories.

2) DJ Max Portable Clazziquai Edition (PSP): DJ Max + Clazziquai?!? <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hmph:' /> <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> It was easier than normal DJ Max games, which I liked a lot. Plus it got Clazziquai to put out some new stuff, which was really good. My only complaint is that the songlist was kinda small, and there weren't enough Clazziquai songs. There could've been way more from their existing discography.

1) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS): It's a point-and-click puzzle adventure game!! I've been wondering where these are on the DS. There need to be way more of these. This one had good graphics, fun and challenging puzzles, and an engaging story. There are two sequels out in Japan, which I got despite not knowing enough Japanese to play them. I then got stuck really badly on the second puzzle of the first sequel, which was a multiple choice puzzle asking about a guy's window with 16 choices. The right answer was the very last one I picked. <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

But, point still stands that it was really fun and they need to localize the sequels now. If you have a DS, love puzzles (as in riddles and logic puzzles), and haven't played this game yet, you need to go get it NOW.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Vikitty »

I love Professor Layton. I hope they release the sequels here eventually.

As for mine...

- Professor Layton

- Apollo Justice -- even though it got a lot of hate, I still think it was epically awesome.

- FFIV -- I'd never played any FF games so it was a brilliant introduction to the franchise for me. Nice and long, too.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by neshcom »

Okay, here are mine:

3. GTAIV - I'm giving this number three because it's a very good game, but only number three because I don't have a copy of it. It's a lot of fun just driving the cars, killing people, and having overall fun-times. The story (the first ~80% I've seen) is dramatic with a nice sprinkling of humor in all the appropriate places. I still feel bad about killing that older ex-prisoner to turn around and have the other guy say "kthxbaiiiiiiiii."

2. Rythm Tengoku Gold - Oh my god. I can't get over this. It's got the charm of the Wario-guy with the amount of conent of that H!P TNX-guy.

1. The Tower DS - (Does it count if the game's from 2008, but I started playing it in 2009?) I am such the Sim Tower whore. The Tower DS is a Japanese port of a GBA version the creators released a while ago. Bringing objectives into simulation games can go either way, but I'm hooked. Plus, it's giving me a chance to learn kanji think I know kanji. I like how they fixed all of the problems the PC version had.

Honorable Mention:

Fallout - Started playing this classic again late last year, but it's not up there because I stopped playing for a while and never picked it up again.

Fallout 3 - Probably a FANTASTICLES game, but I have no copy of it.

KORG-10 DS - Nice little synth machine, but the amount of programable patterns and their exclusivity (i.e practically just storing 16 2-measure loops) is not enough to do much.

Daigassou Band Brothers - So much fun, but I didn't get too much exposure. Also, the song list, even with the option pack, is rather dated. I love the song creator also.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Pflaume »


I have not really played that many games released this year, except for the ones on my sparkly DS. Professor Layton wins. Even if I got horrendous Layton burnout midway through a-la Penny Arcade (I heff twelve metchsteek), I felt engaged and excited about the plot well after I figured it out early. The atmosphere just made me a happy game player.

I would mention other games, but honestly none of them even compare. Fun, yes, but not good. Layton was good.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='Pflaume' post='56906' date='Jan 19 2009, 07:59 AM']REIIITOOOOOON!

I have not really played that many games released this year, except for the ones on my sparkly DS. Professor Layton wins. Even if I got horrendous Layton burnout midway through a-la Penny Arcade (I heff twelve metchsteek), I felt engaged and excited about the plot well after I figured it out early. The atmosphere just made me a happy game player.

I would mention other games, but honestly none of them even compare. Fun, yes, but not good. Layton was good.[/quote]

YES. Layton was great. I beat it once and I'm going through a second time. I hope we get the second and third games soon...
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by al kusanagi »

3. Lost Odyssey- Just an all around well-made old-school RPG with some extremely good writing.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4- Sure it might be a bit convoluted, but it had the highest production values of any game I had ever seen and was a blast to play.

1. Wrath of the Lich King- Yeah, I really liked WoW before, but was pretty disappointed with the Burning Crusade expansion. Then Wrath comes along and does it all so, so right. Now if only my guild could get it together with Naxx...

Honorable Mentions- Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Dead Space
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Special Needs Tricycle »

Layton is good, but I really don't believe that it's GOTY material, guys. It's a glorified brain teaser book (A good one, but STILL.).

GOTY for me is Fallout 3. I only rented it, but it's seriously that good.

Runner-ups are Persona 4 (I've only just started playing it, but I can already tell it's really good.), SSBM, Mario Kart Wii, and probably some other ones I'm forgetting.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='Special Needs Tricycle' post='56922' date='Jan 19 2009, 08:39 AM']Runner-ups are Persona 4 (I've only just started playing it, but I can already tell it's really good.)...[/quote]

I forgot about P4! Persona 4 is such a great game. Also, Kanji is my husband.

[edit] I forgot TROPPERS too!
Last edited by neshcom on Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Zounder »

3. The World Ends With You (DS) - Easily the best handheld RPG I've ever played, a great storyline with an innovative battle system. Also has an addictive soundtrack.

2. Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii) - Yeah, my friends and I are Smash junkies. Melee was already an awesome game, and they added more characters and stages, not to mention a nifty adventure mode. And again, an amazing complication of classic game tunes and new remixes.

1. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2) - Persona 3 was one of my favorite games of all time, and Persona 4 improves on it's predecessor. I'm not even finished with the game yet, but from the engaging storyline to the fun characters, to the great battle system and unique social link/persona experience, this is my game of the year and only rivals Persona 3 as my favorite RPG in a long time.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by sadude »

[quote name='Special Needs Tricycle' post='56922' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:39 PM']Layton is good, but I really don't believe that it's GOTY material, guys. It's a glorified brain teaser book (A good one, but STILL.).[/quote]

Well, I mentioned every game I played that came out in '08, and that was the best one. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup:' />
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Zounder »

[quote name='sadude' post='56875' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:04 PM']1) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS): It's a point-and-click puzzle adventure game!! I've been wondering where these are on the DS. There need to be way more of these.[/quote]

Based on your description on the game (I've never played it) it sounds very similar to the Phoenix Wright series for the DS, which is incredibly fun. Point and click mystery solving with a good storyline and interesting characters. You should try it out if you get a chance. <img src=' ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup:' />
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Infinite Loop »

I didn't play too many games from 2008, but of those that I did, my favourites were:

- Mega Man 9. Excellent. Tremendous, devilish level designs. If it wasn't for nostalgia clouding my opinions, I'd probably be calling it the best in the series.

- The World Ends With You. Been a while since I got this addicted to a game. Story is too melodramatic for some I'm sure, but I went along with it and was glad I did.

- (tentatively) Persona 4. I'm only 40 hours or so in, so there's plenty of game left, but if it can keep it up then I'll definitely remember it as my favourite of the year.
Last edited by Infinite Loop on Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by AEUGNewtype »

I probably played at least 30 or 40 new games this year, but my list is between these couple games, and I'll be damned if I try to pick one out of them all.

Fallout 3: I wasn't a huge fan of Oblivion, but they did a much better job of making the world extremely unique and original as well as EXTREMELY immersive from start to finish. I logged in close to 100 hours and was actually sad when I ran out of missions to go on.

Gears of War 2: Leagues above what the first Gears achieved, in online and offline play, this is THE co-op gaming experience to have, no doubts about it. If you played the first one, it makes you even more in awe of the leaps they made to trump what the first had achieved.

Mega Man 9: Truly a milestone in modern gaming. By going back to the way games were made in the mid-80s and building it from the ground up with all of the limitations and standards of that time in mind, they made this game an absolute blast from the past and one hell of a fun one, even if a bit frustrating. And for 10 bucks? Any old-school gamer couldn't possibly refuse.

Ninja Gaiden 2: For hardcore gamers, this is the ultimate and (very unfortunately) final effort from Team Ninja. The tactic that goes into the lightning-fast gameplay of this series is just astounding, and with each difficulty level being almost like an entirely different game, it forces you to learn so much more about the play system than you would have ever known just by playing easy or normal. This is what I love to see in games, when the developer really does pose a unique and very internally rewarding challenge to the players of the game. And good lord, the gore is gloriously on overdrive for the entire length of the game.

Condemned 2: This really rocked my world way back in March of last year, and I've still not forgotten. Everything I loved from the first Condemned was almost thrown out the window, except the story, but they still managed to make it extremely familiar and most of the time, even better and more refined. The environments were even more gritty and frightening, the graphics and lighting effects taken to a new level, the fighting system made even more brutal and intense, and the story taken to new heights of mystical and scientific horror than I could have ever imagined. Kudos to Sega and I can't wait for the third installment and dare I say it, the movie.

I'd also like to mention Rock Band 2, even though it can be argued it was just a slight upgrade of RB1, but the fine-tuning they did to the system and the DLC in 2008 just made this one of the most fun interactive experiences you can get right now. Fuck Guitar Hero.
Last edited by AEUGNewtype on Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Vikitty »

[quote name='Zounder' post='56958' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:04 PM'][quote name='sadude' post='56875' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:04 PM']1) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS): It's a point-and-click puzzle adventure game!! I've been wondering where these are on the DS. There need to be way more of these.[/quote]

Based on your description on the game (I've never played it) it sounds very similar to the Phoenix Wright series for the DS, which is incredibly fun. Point and click mystery solving with a good storyline and interesting characters. You should try it out if you get a chance. <img src=' ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />


They're completely different. Professor Layton is brain teasers. Actual puzzles.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by surasshu »

I actually wrote a list of my favorite games of 2008 on my blog, some of which have been mentioned here already, but here goes.

Rhythm Tengoku Gold - Nintendo DS

Without a doubt the best handheld game I ever played.

Persona 4 - PS2

I really enjoyed Persona 3, and even though P4 doesn't really bring anything shockingly new to the table compared to that title, it does polish the hell out of it and replaces the somewhat boring dungeons with much more varied enviroments that are really awesome for a reason that would be a spoiler to go into. Persona 3's story was slightly more gripping to me, but Persona 4 is more than a worthy sequel, and certainly one of the best games of the last year.

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 - Xbox Live Arcade

I loved the original, but this one is even better, with a bunch of modes and some really fun achievements, while the graphics (and difficulty in some cases) are thrown into hyper-overdrive. Great stuff.

Patapon - PSP

Patapon has its annoying quirks (you basically have to grind in this game, which is really weird for that's essentially a music game), and it's a bit on the short side, but the game is so well-written and funny, and the art is adorable, that you can't help but enjoy your time with it.

Army of Two - Xbox 360

Yes, I know nobody else liked this game, but I think it was badly victimised. This game deserved way better than to be the sacrificial lamb of some retarded PR stunt gone awry. The thing about it is though that this game really shouldn’t be played single player. In fact it shouldn't even contain single player, the 2 player co-op is that essential to the game. The co-op system is fantastically rewarding and makes cooperation not just beneficial but absolutely mandatory.

Honorable mention for Mother 3. Not really a 2008 release, otherwise it would be on the top of the list, but with the English patch coming out this year, certainly most people played it this year. Definitely one of the funniest games.

I have to check out World Ends With You...
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Zounder »

[quote name='Valerie' post='56974' date='Jan 18 2009, 09:43 PM'][quote name='Zounder' post='56958' date='Jan 18 2009, 06:04 PM'][quote name='sadude' post='56875' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:04 PM']1) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS): It's a point-and-click puzzle adventure game!! I've been wondering where these are on the DS. There need to be way more of these.[/quote]

Based on your description on the game (I've never played it) it sounds very similar to the Phoenix Wright series for the DS, which is incredibly fun. Point and click mystery solving with a good storyline and interesting characters. You should try it out if you get a chance. <img src=' ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />


They're completely different. Professor Layton is brain teasers. Actual puzzles.


Whoops, ignore my comment then. I was thrown off by the "point and click" phrase. <img src=' ... hocked.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='///' post='56977' date='Jan 18 2009, 10:49 PM']Army of Two - Xbox 360

Yes, I know nobody else liked this game, but I think it was badly victimised. This game deserved way better than to be the sacrificial lamb of some retarded PR stunt gone awry. The thing about it is though that this game really shouldn’t be played single player. In fact it shouldn't even contain single player, the 2 player co-op is that essential to the game. The co-op system is fantastically rewarding and makes cooperation not just beneficial but absolutely mandatory.[/quote]

I very much agree, I loved the game to death, but everyone bashed the hell out of it. The system was extremely well designed, and like you said it NEEDS to be played co-op. I loved the game, but a few others took precedence for game of the year on my list.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by sadude »

[quote name='Zounder' post='56958' date='Jan 18 2009, 09:04 PM'][quote name='sadude' post='56875' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:04 PM']1) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS): It's a point-and-click puzzle adventure game!! I've been wondering where these are on the DS. There need to be way more of these.[/quote]

Based on your description on the game (I've never played it) it sounds very similar to the Phoenix Wright series for the DS, which is incredibly fun. Point and click mystery solving with a good storyline and interesting characters. You should try it out if you get a chance. <img src=' ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />[/quote]

Yeah, what Valerie said. You point and click to get to the puzzles, and solve the mystery by progressing through the puzzles instead of investigating it directly.

That said, you should check out Professor Layton if you like Phoenix Wright. They're different, like Valerie said, but I think that if you appreciate one you'll appreciate the other. I've played both and like both. Prof. Layton has gotten really good reviews, also, if you want to check out some of them.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Falcon »

While I really shouldn't vote as I barely played anything this year I thought I'd give my quick thoughts on the rare few games I played this year.

Left 4 Dead: A great co-op shooter, the 'story concept' is a bit played out in the market (holy crap enough zombie shooters?) but valve's spin on the co-op and director AI was truely interesting and innovative even if the game play wasn't entirely. I liked playing it as a spammy shooter since on normal/easy a couple bullets would flatten the average zombie so hosing the crap out of the hordes was fun.

Persona 4: Jesus christ where the hell did this game come from? I haven't finished and I'm not entirely sure if I will (laziness) but from what I have played this game is really interesting. Story wise they managed a tale that didn't involve saving the whole world (fictional or not) but rather just a murder mystery and that wins points in my book. I enjoyed the characters a lot and the idea of social links is rather novel (obviously I have never played the previous games...).

I can't think of anything else I actually played last year.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Sabaku Ika »

The World Ends With You is definitely my #1 for reasons already mentioned in this thread. Ranking the other top games I played last year will be harder. I may have to come back for that. Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and Tales of Vesperia are probably in there somewhere.

It sounds like I need to get Professor Layton soon.
Last edited by Sabaku Ika on Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Jessui »

I agree with Rhythm Tengoku Gold DS! It's the first rhythm game I've ever played but I really had a lot of fun with it <img src=' ... deways.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sideways:' />

And while this is a remake (and in Japan it actually came out at the end of 2007), Final Fantasy IV DS was amazing. The 3D graphics, cutscenes, and nostalgia factor made me fall in love with this game all over again <img src=' ... /heart.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':love:' />
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Windy-chan »

Chrono Trigger DS and The World Ends With You win my vote for DS games.

That's pretty much all I play, unfortunately. <img src=' ... deways.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sideways:' />

I need to get Professor Layton, too!
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by J1nSan »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='56912' date='Jan 18 2009, 05:13 PM']3. Lost Odyssey- Just an all around well-made old-school RPG with some extremely good writing.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4- Sure it might be a bit convoluted, but it had the highest production values of any game I had ever seen and was a blast to play.

1. Wrath of the Lich King- Yeah, I really liked WoW before, but was pretty disappointed with the Burning Crusade expansion. Then Wrath comes along and does it all so, so right. Now if only my guild could get it together with Naxx...

Honorable Mentions- Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Dead Space[/quote]

Definitely agree with MGS4, brilliant and set a standard that other games should follow in terms of production value. Everything was spot on and the quality was out of this world. I also agree with the previous post on FF IV, the remake for the DS seriously made the game look and feel much more modern and makes me glad since it is my favorite FF series.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='J1nSan' post='57128' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:16 PM']Definitely agree with MGS4, brilliant and set a standard that other movies should follow in terms of production value.[/quote]

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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Melon »

I liked a lot of games this year. In no particular order:

Persona 4. It's like 3 on megadrive! The cast has more characters I like than P3, I like that you can do social links with your team members, I like you can control your team members, I hate how I can still be SMT'd, and demon fusion drives me soul. And while we're on 3D games (the rest on my list are 2D because I like sprites more) I enjoyed Fallout 3 a megaton.

The World Ends With You. Finally, a game that Nomura's designs fit. I haven't liked Squaresoft in a long time. Too much Final Fantasy, not enough new IPs. This game rocked. And it fit perfectly with my OCD collecting nature.

It was the year remakes stole my heart, because Final Fantasy Tactics got retranslated by Alexander O. Fucking Smith (but I yearn for a new Matsuno game) and he made Delita even more badass than he originally was AND included Balthier, the best Final Fantasy character to ever exist; Dragon Quest IV made me remember why I like old school RPGs. There's a bad guy. I kick his ass. The end. No bullshit "Why must I fight? Why does God hate me? I hate the world!" Star Ocean, with new cutscenes? Hell yeah! I loved it! Too bad I have bad memories of the voices in Star Ocean 2 to ever play that game again. I want to, but everytime I think of that game I have nightmares. And remember how somehow I managed to get the ending where I have kids with the character I hated. BLECH.

I don't know if it came out last year, but ROCKET SLIME :3 Silly, light, and fun. The tank battles were awesome! Nothing like shooting catnip to a cat shaped tank run by cats and watching them run out to get it while you pummel them with rocks! <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Professor Layton kicked my ass. I suck at brainteasers. <img src=' ... #>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':huh:' /> But it was so rewarding to have figured it out! I had to play in chunks though. Too much at one time killed me with boredom.

Castlevania rocked so hard. SO HARD.

But which one is my GAME OF THE YEAR? FFT is my favorite game of all time. Therefore I cannot fairly name a game of the year. Cop out for the win!
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Sabaku Ika »

[quote name='Petit Melon' post='57182' date='Jan 20 2009, 01:01 PM']But which one is my GAME OF THE YEAR? FFT is my favorite game of all time. Therefore I cannot fairly name a game of the year. Cop out for the win![/quote]

The PSP remake was '07, so you can still pick something without worrying about it.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Ap2000 »

Fallout 3 is the absolute and supreme ruler of 2008.

No game came close to this one.

However, there are 3 things that influenced this choice:

- I have no PS3, thus never played MGS4, but considering I only liked and not absolutely loved MGS 1 and 3 (couldn't stand MGS 2), MGS4 is my #1 best game this year that I didn't actually play.

- I did play GTA IV and while I think the multiplayer is extremely fun to play, the singleplayer was clearly not as funny as Vice City's or San Andreas'. Besides, it lacked a lot of things (incl. more diverse environments) the predecessor already had.

- I think *that shooter on the microsoft console* is generic crap and I hate how it's hyped by so many people.

Best RTS - Sins of a Solar Empire (eventhought I played Civ 4 BTS much much more), I hade a huge load of fun with this game. Besides, it felt really fresh compared to generic stuff like the that last/current C&C game etc.

Best FPS was Stalker Clear Sky. At some parts even more atmospheric than Fallout 3. But there were some little annoyances that kept it from being #1.

As I already said, GTA IV had the most fun multiplayer.

Biggest surprise was Bionic Commando (and it's beyond ingenious Soundtrack). It's hard, but really good.

Biggest disappointment goes to Far Cry 2. What a generic and uninteresting game... prime example of how you should not invest a multi-million budget.

Best Rythm/Music game is not rockband, guitar hero or whatever, but this small little thing called Audiosurf. A dream coming true. Being able to play your music.

Best 3rd-Person Shooter is Dead Space. I played it, but still haven't finished. I will re-install it in february as soon as exams are over.

Best game I played this year for the first time, but wasn't released this year, was Psychonauts.

I already have Persona 4, but not yet played. Same thing as with Dead Space... waiting for exams to end, so I can fully dive into the world. I liked Persona 3 a lot, so I'm sure I'll like this one too.

Game I played the most this year was Civ 4 BTS... again.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

[quote name='neshcom' post='56883' date='Jan 18 2009, 03:16 PM']Daigassou Band Brothers - So much fun, but I didn't get too much exposure. Also, the song list, even with the option pack, is rather dated. I love the song creator also.[/quote]

Speaking of dated, that was a DS LAUNCH TITLE. Forget the 1st game, forget the expansion.

The one that came out last year was Daigassou Band Brothers DX.

You could download up to 100 songs online. These are fanmade submissions, but JASRAC approved songs. So they only allow the quality submissions to go up. They had about 4,000 up by new years (many duplicates though)

An impressive selection of Jpop, Jrock, Anime & Video Game music, and a ton of classical songs. Lots of Berryz, bit of Kirarin, Buono, random MM songs, and even some Sharan Q. I saw so many MOTHER series and Dragon Quest tunes.

The song creator makes it pretty easy to make your own stuff. Also, in the concert mode, you perform (usually the main melody part) of songs and they have themes for each session, so it will take any song and put a random genre spin on it. You might get piano, jazz, carnival, Okinawa, horror, Arabian, or even 8-bit. Then if you well enough, you get to do an encore and it increase the difficulty level if you do well enough. They also let you do vocals if you say that you are in a room where you can make noise.

Anyway, Rhythm Tengoku Gold wins, but I love DBBDX, I still play it quite often.
Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='PucchiBest' post='57449' date='Jan 22 2009, 11:03 PM'][quote name='neshcom' post='56883' date='Jan 18 2009, 03:16 PM']Daigassou Band Brothers - So much fun, but I didn't get too much exposure. Also, the song list, even with the option pack, is rather dated. I love the song creator also.[/quote]

Speaking of dated, that was a DS LAUNCH TITLE. Forget the 1st game, forget the expansion.

The one that came out last year was Daigassou Band Brothers DX.

You could download up to 100 songs online. These are fanmade submissions, but JASRAC approved songs. So they only allow the quality submissions to go up. They had about 4,000 up by new years (many duplicates though)


Yeah, but it doesn't work with flashcarts <img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' /> It does look all sorts of amazle though. Mandatory karaoke tracks and quality control on all WiFi download songs is the best thing ever.
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Re: Your 2008 Game of the Year

Post by darkzero »

I didn't do too much gaming this year, here are my picks:

The game I was most moved by is MGS4, because it was one hell of a ride that actually kept me playing.

The game that I'm still playing (which is amazing by my own standards) is NHL09. Ha a sports game! But hell, I'm still throwing it on after playing all these other games so it's doing something right.

I must say I tried Fallout 3, and I'm just not a fan. It didn't really appeal to me, but that type of game never really applied to me in the first place so I shouldn't have a say.
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